News & Analysis as of



Unnecessary, Unfair and Unclear


In November 2024, the FCA published its further consultation with its revised proposals to make early announcements of open enforcement investigations (“CP 24/2, Part 2”). BCLP was one of the many respondents to raise strong...more

Legal Internet Solutions Inc.

The Art of Personalizing the Client Experience

Let’s face it: in today’s market, being an excellent lawyer isn’t enough. Your clients aren’t just seeking legal acumen – they’re craving an experience that makes them feel understood, valued, and supported throughout their...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Brazil Publishes Draft Sustainable Taxonomy Framework for Public Consultation

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The taxonomy would inform certain mandatory requirements in the jurisdiction, with particular relevance to Brazil’s capital markets and financial sector....more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

India Draft Digital Personal Data Protection Rules, 2025

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

On January 03, 2025, the government released the much awaited draft Digital Personal Data Protection Rules, 2025, (Draft Rules / Rules) for public consultation and invited stakeholder feedback by February 18, 2025 (access the...more


Significant Changes to CPO Regime Under Consideration


Two significant consultations opened at the end of last year, the first by the Government and the second by the Law Commission, seeking views on proposed changes to CPO law and process. In the first of this two part series,...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

European Banking Authority Launches Consultation on Guidelines on ESG Scenario Analysis

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The draft guidelines outline expectations for institutions to adopt forward-looking strategies and incorporate scenario analysis into their management framework to assess resilience against the negative impacts of ESG...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Key Regulatory Updates for Hong Kong Listed Companies - November/December 2024

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The updates include market consultation, consultation conclusions and various guiding materials by the HKEX, and bills for amendments to the Companies Ordinance by the Hong Kong government....more


Energy Performance of Buildings Regime - MHCLG and DESNZ Set Out Ambitious Targets in a New Consultation Building on the Previous...


The UK government has launched a consultation to reform the Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB) regime, a crucial step towards achieving the nation’s ambitious net-zero targets by 2050. This extensive consultation, which...more

Venable LLP

FDA's Proposed Interim Animal Food Ingredient Consultation process - will the GRAS be Greener post-AAFCO Ingredient Definition...

Venable LLP on

As of October 1, 2024, the Association of American Feed Control Official's (AAFCO) Annual Official Publication is no longer definitive as to which feed additives are FDA-approved or, otherwise, have been determined to be...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

PCAF Launches Consultation on New Methodologies for the Global GHG Accounting and Reporting Standard

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The consultation covers new methodologies for the financial sector’s GHG emissions reporting, including regarding avoided emissions, or “scope 4” emissions. On 3 December 2024, the Partnership for Carbon Accounting...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

UK Regulators Consult on New Reporting Requirements for Operational Incidents and Use of Material Third Parties

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On 13 December 2024, the FCA and the PRA published linked Consultation Papers on operational incident and third-party reporting (FCA CP24/28 and PRA CP17/24). The consultations aim to create a structured framework for...more


NSIP Planning: What’s Changed in 2024 and On the Horizon for 2025?


2024 has been a year with a continued focus on the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Planning (‘NSIP’) planning regime by both the predecessor and current government. Reforms to make the regime faster and more effective...more


Loan Fund Structures under AIFMD2: ESMA’s Proposals

Goodwin on

In our recent alert Loan Origination Under AIFMD2: A Guide on loan origination under the revised Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD2), we noted that the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

The Stars Align - FCA’s PISCES Proposals to Build on Private Market Practices

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The FCA is approaching its design of the world’s first regulated private/public crossover market with a “private plus” rather than a “public minus” mindset. On 17 December 2024, the FCA launched a consultation on its...more


Concerns remain over FCA’s ‘name and shame’ proposals

WilmerHale on

An enforcement investigation by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) can be an extremely expensive and stressful experience for regulated firms and individuals alike. In February this year, the FCA launched a controversial...more


UK Corporate Briefing - December 2024


Welcome to the Corporate Briefing, where we review the latest developments in UK corporate law that you need to know about. ...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Recent Developments for UK PLCs - December 2024

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On 15 November 2024, the FCA released Primary Market Bulletin 52, offering guidance on compliance with MAR and DTR requirements, particularly in identifying and disclosing inside information, managing shareholder...more


The FCA’s Updated ‘Naming and Shaming’ Proposals: A “Solution Looking for a Problem”?


The FCA has today published a further consultation paper (CP24/2 (Part 2)) in relation to its ‘naming and shaming’ proposals (the “Updated Consultation”). The publication follows widespread industry criticism of the FCA’s...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

UK Regulators Propose Shake-up to Bank Remuneration Rules

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On 26 November 2024, the PRA and the FCA published a joint Consultation Paper on changes to the remuneration rules (PRA CP16/24, FCA CP24/24). The changes are relevant to banks, building societies, and PRA-designated...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

FCA Publishes Revised Proposals for Announcing Enforcement Investigations

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The regulator has significantly rowed back on aspects of the proposals following industry and government feedback. On 28 November 2024, the FCA published revised proposals for announcing enforcement investigations....more


The PRA’s and FCA’s Proposals to Reduce Restrictions on Banking Bonuses


Yesterday the PRA and FCA published PRA consultation paper 16/24 / FCA consultation paper 24/23 – Remuneration reform, containing proposals for significant changes to the remuneration regime. The UK’s current remuneration...more


How to Approach a Free Consultation with an Attorney


When you’re facing a legal issue, one of the first steps you should take is to schedule a consultation with an attorney. Some law firms and legal organizations offer free consultations, allowing you to gain valuable insights...more


Managing Technology Supply Chains: What the Advent of the UK’s Critical Third Party Regime Means for Financial Services Firms and...


The FCA, PRA, and Bank of England have published their finalised critical third party (CTP) rules (and accompanying guidance) in PS24/16 Operational resilience: Critical third parties to the UK financial sector....more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Key Regulatory Updates for Hong Kong Listed Companies - September/October 2024

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The updates include an information paper on implementing an uncertificated securities market, and a joint announcement on an enhanced timeframe for a new listing application process....more


Consultation in Non-Collective Redundancy Situations


This week we look at a case that covers the issue of what constitutes proper lawful consultation in smaller scale redundancies (fewer than 20). In particular, the case looks at whether there a need for group consultation, and...more

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