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Getting Your Ducks in a Row

Integreon on

Good afternoon! Welcome back to Scaling Greatness, a newsletter from Integreon focusing on amplifying business excellence and innovation....more


Lisa Azzuolo of Bennett Jones on delivering for today’s clients in a century-old firm - Passle's CMO Series Podcast

Passle on

It’s no secret that the past 25 years have seen the most significant transformation in legal marketing and BD. But the events of recent years have no doubt seen the most monumental step change, from advances in technology to...more


Christa Crane of Loeb & Loeb LLP on the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work for legal marketing teams - Passle's CMO...

Passle on

The world of work has changed dramatically. People across all industries are adjusting to new ways of working, communicating and interacting. Flexible and hybrid work has become commonplace for many organisations including...more

Blattel Communications

Should Professional Services Firms Podcast? It’s Complicated.

Blattel Communications on

Podcasts are an ascendant media form right now. According to a recent report from Edison Research and Triton Digital called “The Infinite Dial 2021,” approximately 28% of the U.S. population over the age of 12 listens to a...more

International Lawyers Network

Happy 12th Blogiversary to Zen & the Art of Legal Networking!

Bear with me as I tell you a short story, of a baby blogger named Lindsay. She was four years into her career in the legal industry, still learning by doing, and didn’t think she had much, if anything, to say. A new social...more

International Lawyers Network

In the Age of COVID-19, Make Your Content About Building Relationships

It’s week ten of lockdown in my state, and while there are some places that are entering a phased reopening, some countries have extended their border lockdowns and many of the firms I have talked to are planning to continue...more

International Lawyers Network

"I Don't Want No Hubs" - a.k.a Show me the Value

My title my be tongue-in-cheek, but my message this week is quite serious. We’ll get to that in a moment. First, I want to consider for a moment what happens in a crisis. We panic a little bit, right? Even if we stay...more

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