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Controlled Foreign Corporations Tax Court Dividends

Blank Rome LLP

New Jersey Tax Court Rules That Individuals Are Not Subject to Tax on “Deemed Dividends” under IRC Section 965

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The New Jersey Tax Court has held that individual taxpayers were not required to include in their New Jersey gross income the undistributed earnings of controlled foreign corporations (“CFCs”) for purposes of the Gross Income...more

Blank Rome LLP

Departments Don’t Always Know Best

Blank Rome LLP on

Departments of Revenue are notorious for treating their guidance as the final and absolute word on an issue. However, that doesn’t mean that they are always right. The recent decision of the Oregon Tax Court in Microsoft...more

Freeman Law

Tax Court Addresses a Difference in Dates in the TCJA

Freeman Law on

In Varian Medical Systems, Inc. v. Commissioner, the Tax Court addressed a seeming oversight in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “TCJA”) involving the effective dates for amendments to section 78 and the enactment of...more

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