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Controlled Substances Act Department of Agriculture DEA

Holland & Knight LLP

Congress Advances Cannabis and Hemp Proposals

Holland & Knight LLP on

Recent congressional activity highlights the changing environment for cannabis regulation. Specifically, U.S. Congress is moving forward with legislation that will change the regulation of hemp-derived products. The industry...more

Vicente LLP

Will the 2023 Farm Bill Address Hemp Industry Pain Points and Public Safety Concerns?

Vicente LLP on

The 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the cultivation and possession of hemp at the federal level by removing it from the list of controlled substances, is set to expire in September 2023 (the Farm Bill expires and is updated...more


Ohio House of Representatives Passes Bill Regulating the Processing and Sale of Kratom Products

Benesch on

House Bill 236, which has passed the Ohio House of Representatives, would regulate the processing of kratom and the sale of kratom products in Ohio. With House Bill 236’s enactment, Ohio would become the sixth state to...more

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