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Controlled Substances Act Employer Liability Issues THC

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Fourth Circuit Issues Opinion Regarding Hemp-Derived (Delta-9) Products in Case Involving ADA Claims

On September 4, 2024, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, in Anderson v. Diamondback Investment Group, LLC, ruled on whether a former employee’s use of lawful hemp-derived products containing delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol...more

McGlinchey Stafford

The End of Zero-Tolerance Drug Policies

McGlinchey Stafford on

Zero-tolerance drug policies in the workplace are an endangered species. Traditional drug laws and policies as they relate to the workplace are being upended, and employers are increasingly struggling to grapple with the...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Employer Drug-Testing Policies Must Evolve With State Law

Troutman Pepper Locke on

While many individuals are excited about the proliferation of state laws providing for medical and recreational use of marijuana across the country, inconsistencies in these state laws have made it difficult for employers to...more

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