News & Analysis as of

Controlled Substances Act Employment Policies Cannabis Products

International Cannabis Bar Association...

[Event] Cannabis Law Institute 2024 - July 25th - 26th, Chicago, IL

The International Cannabis Bar Association (INCBA) is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated Cannabis Law Institute 2024 (CLI 2024), the marquee conference dedicated to advancing legal excellence in the rapidly evolving...more

Venable LLP

Right to Reef? The Growing Number of State and Local Laws Addressing Off-Duty Marijuana Use by Employees

Venable LLP on

Few areas of the law have evolved more quickly than the quagmire of federal, state, and local laws governing employee use of marijuana. Although cannabis remains a Schedule I drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act,...more

McGlinchey Stafford

CBD & The Workplace, A Word to The Wise

McGlinchey Stafford on

Federally legal CBD products may, under some circumstances, cause consumers to fail drug tests. An employer’s right to terminate employee-consumers on that basis is not prohibited by federal law, including the Americans with...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Now I Know My CBDs – Louisiana Court Favors Employee Terminated for Failing Marijuana Test

This country’s relationship with cannabis is a complicated one, and as is often the case in complicated matters, words matter. Marijuana and hemp are different strains of the Cannabis sativa L plant. So, “cannabis” is a...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Department of Transportation Cautions Employers About CBD Use By Regulated Workers

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

Seyfarth Synopsis: As we reported here, the CBD (cannabidiol) craze is sweeping the nation. By 2022, it is expected to be a $22 billion per year industry. That said, if a CBD product has a concentration of more than 0.3% of...more

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