News & Analysis as of

Controlled Substances Act Landlords Decriminalization of Marijuana

Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP

Will Rescheduling Cannabis Open the Industry to Increased Financing, Real Estate and Banking Opportunities?

On May 16, 2024, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued its proposed rules to transfer cannabis from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) to Schedule III of the CSA. The DOJ’s proposal follows the U.S....more

Whitman Legal Solutions, LLC

Marijuana Use and Fair Housing

This article discusses a recent District of Columbia (DC) case, which pitted a medical marijuana user against a neighbor who complained that marijuana smoke affected quiet enjoyment of her home....more


Marijuana Tenants and the Effects on Landlord’s Rights in Bankruptcy

Lowndes on

Though states continue to legalize the use and sale of marijuana for medicinal and recreational uses, under federal law, marijuana remains an illegal “Schedule 1” drug pursuant to the Controlled Substances Act. ...more

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC

Legalization of Hemp Will Give Businesses More Recourse and Certainty in Court

Harris Beach Murtha PLLC on

The 2018 Farm Bill, once signed into law, is expected to have a liberating effect on hemp and hemp-related businesses. Some of the impacts of this legislation are clear, such as opening the industry to new entrants and making...more

Farella Braun + Martel LLP

Working With a Commercial Cannabis Tenant

The emergence of legalized marijuana for recreational adult use in California, beginning in some counties as early as January 2018, will require those involved in commercial real estate to continue to consider the pros and...more

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