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Controlled Substances Act Reorganizations Marijuana Related Businesses

Fox Rothschild LLP

Outlook Still Hazy for Cannabis Companies’ Access to Bankruptcy

Fox Rothschild LLP on

If finalized, the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) recent recommendation to reclassify cannabis from a Schedule I to a Schedule III substance has the potential to open important doors to businesses in the legal...more

Tonkon Torp LLP

Bankruptcy Doors Open a Little Wider to Cannabis Companies

Tonkon Torp LLP on

In January, a California bankruptcy court issued an opinion providing another lifeline to cannabis companies that could benefit from the protection of the federal bankruptcy code – to reorganize or liquidate assets. The...more

The Rodman Law Group, LLC

Bankruptcy Alternatives for the Cannabis Industry

As many Americans are faced with the fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic, some business owners are now tasked with creating a clear path forward without traditional means of financial relief. Of its many tragic consequences,...more

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