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Controlled Substances Act Retailers Decriminalization of Marijuana

Husch Blackwell LLP

Intoxicating Hemp in Wisconsin

Husch Blackwell LLP on

America’s Dairyland does not currently have any form of either medical or adult-use cannabis. The state has tried and failed at least a couple of times on convening medical cannabis legislation (see here on the latest attempt...more

Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP

The 2018 Farm Bill’s Effect on State Cannabis Laws

Whether you practice full time as a cannabis attorney, dabble in cannabis law, or are simply interested in the evolving federal views and laws on marijuana, you may have caught wind that the federal Agriculture Improvement...more

Cole Schotz

Weed it and Reap: Cannabis Rescheduling’s Impact on Tax Deductions

Cole Schotz on

As the state legalization of medicinal and adult-use cannabis spreads across the United States, cannabis producers and retailers are experiencing a rapid increase in production and sales. However, despite this boom in...more

Rivkin Radler LLP

If You Sell Marijuana In Any Form, Uncle Sam Wants His Cut

Rivkin Radler LLP on

More and more states across the country are legalizing the sale of marijuana products for medical and/or recreational purposes, but marijuana remains effectively prohibited under federal law as a Schedule I controlled...more

Cozen O'Connor

The Legality of Cannabidiol and Concerns Regarding False Advertising

Cozen O'Connor on

The legality of marijuana (also known as cannabis) has been a popular topic in recent years with thirty states and the District of Columbia having laws that legalize marijuana in some form. However, under federal law,...more

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