News & Analysis as of

Controlled Substances Act State Labor Laws Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

Where States Stand on Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

A federal judge in Vermont last month ruled a plaintiff’s medical marijuana use was not protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act. In Skoric v. Marble Valley Regional Transit District et al., the plaintiff was fired by...more

Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Voters Legalize Marijuana, Employers Ask Questions

Earlier this month, voters in five states took to the ballot box and legalized some form of marijuana use. Polls show that two-thirds of Americans now favor marijuana legalization, and 59% said it should be legal for both...more

McManis Faulkner

Working Through The Weeds Of Cannabis Laws: Prop 64, FMLA, And ADA

McManis Faulkner on

Proposition 64 changed marijuana laws.  What many do not realize is that it did not change employment laws.  Employers recognize societal norms are changing with the passing of Prop 64.  A new era has commenced and the Family...more

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