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Copyright Infringement Content Publishing

Weintraub Tobin

(Podcast) The Briefing: Westlaw v. Ross AI - Is This The End of AI Training or The Future of AI Training

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Major AI copyright ruling - The Delaware District Court’s decision in Thomson Reuters v. Ross AI could have huge implications for AI training and copyright law. On this episode of "The Briefing," Weintraub attorneys Scott...more

Weintraub Tobin

The Briefing: Westlaw v. Ross AI - Is This The End of AI Training or The Future of AI Training

Weintraub Tobin on

Major AI copyright ruling - The Delaware District Court’s decision in Thomson Reuters v. Ross AI could have huge implications for AI training and copyright law. On this episode of "The Briefing," Weintraub attorneys Scott...more

Spirit Legal

Urheberrechtsreform 2021 Teil 3: Auswirkung auf Fotografinnen und Fotografen

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Wie ist der aktuelle Gesetz­gebungs­stand zum Urheber­recht? Spätestens seitdem das Bundeskabinett im Februar 2021 seinen Gesetzesentwurf zur Reform des Urheberrechts vorgestellt hat, dürfte die anstehende Reform auch...more

Hogan Lovells

Tom Kabinet: CJEU rules resale of e-books requires permission of copyright holder

Hogan Lovells on

The CJEU in its Tom Kabinet judgment has ruled that the supply of e-books qualifies as “an act of communication to the public” under the InfoSoc Directive instead of “a distribution to the public” as is the case with physical...more

Fenwick & West LLP

European Parliament Endorses Upload Filters

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In September 2016, the European Commission, which is the executive cabinet for the European Union, issued a Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. On...more

Fish & Richardson

Embedding Content is Safe, Right? A Recent Case Says No, Creating Serious Concerns for Websites with Unlicensed Third-party...

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In the United States, copyright owners have a number of exclusive rights, including the right to publicly display a work of visual art. This would include, for instance, the right to post a copyrighted photograph on a...more

Hogan Lovells

China: Annual online piracy crackdown campaign 2017: Results announced

Hogan Lovells on

The results of the 2017 edition of China’s annual online piracy crackdown campaign, called the “Sword Net Action”, were recently published. As we announced earlier, the 2017 crackdown campaign promised to take a heavy hand...more

Burr & Forman

Two End-of-Year Federal Government Deadlines Approaching

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Significant Changes to Online Copyright (DMCA) Safe Harbor and DoD Contractor Cybersecurity (NIST 800-171) Requirements Take Effect at the End of This Year. Important Change Affecting Digital Millennium Copyright Act...more

Hogan Lovells

UK, US, HK and China – Access denied: an international perspective on ISP blocking injunctions

Hogan Lovells on

While the UK Court of Appeal has opened the door for broadband ISP blocking to combat trademark or copyright-infringing activities, the picture in the United States, China and Hong Kong is more complex. ...more

Dechert LLP

Leaked Playboy Photographs Case Considers How Hyperlinking Can Infringe Copyright

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The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has blurred the lines between primary and secondary copyright infringement in a decision concerning hyperlinks to leaked photos of a Dutch celebrity’s Playboy photoshoot. For...more

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