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Copyright Infringement Liability

International Lawyers Network

Is There Liability for Removing or Altering Copyright Management Information from a Copyrighted Work?

Suppose you have uncovered a copyrighted work from another that contains copyright management information such as a copyright notice. However, you want to remove or alter this copyright management information. Should you...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Vimeo’s Fleeting Interaction With Videos Doesn’t Negate Safe Harbor Protections

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The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed a district court’s decision, granting Vimeo qualified protection under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) safe harbor provision. Capitol Records, LLC v. Vimeo,...more

Vondran Legal

Photo Infringement Can Be Costly and Up to $150,000 Per Image Infringed!

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Here is a case from the opposite coast of the United States. This case may be looked at as persuasive authority in cases filed in the 9th circuit...more

Vondran Legal

VRBO owners, does your welcome book and terms include a DO NOT TORRENT warning?

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Strike 3 Holdings is an adult pornography company located in California that has literally filed over 10,000 federal court copyright infringement cases across the United States for nearly a decade now. No company files more...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

A Dive Into Intellectual Property Liability for E-Commerce Platforms

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Online shopping has become increasingly popular in recent years. E-commerce sales surpassed $6.5 trillion in 2023 and are expected to total over $8.1 trillion by 2026. Convenience of product variety and online competition...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

Navigating the Legal Landscape: Generative AI and Copyright Law

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Generative artificial intelligence captivated the world in 2023 and is firmly positioned to remain center stage in the coming year. In the United States, the introduction and early-stage use of generative AI have been plagued...more

Proskauer - New Media & Technology

The King is Back (in the Digital Era) | The ELVIS Act, Generative AI and Right of Publicity

On March 21, 2024, in a bold regulatory move, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed the Ensuring Likeness Voice and Image Security (“ELVIS”) Act (Tenn. Code Ann. §47-25-1101 et seq.) – a law which, as Gov. Lee stated, covers...more

Mandelbaum Barrett PC

Avoid the Troll – How to Protect You and Your Business From Inadvertent Copyright Problems

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Copyright infringement filings continue to grow with 2023 seeing a 25% increase in cases according to year end federal court statistics. This surge is driven in large part by copyright assertion entities, or “copyright...more

K&L Gates LLP

Litigation Minute: The Generative AI Litigation Landscape (Generative AI Series: Part One of Three)

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What You Need To Know In A Minute Or Less - Beginning in 2023, courts across the United States have grappled with a wave of lawsuits challenging the legality and use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems and...more

Mintz - Intellectual Property Viewpoints

Lensa: Are AI Art Generators Copyright Infringers?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now at our fingertips. No longer a concept hidden behind the walls of Big Tech and academia, AI programs are now available and accessible to everyone. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have...more

Spirit Legal

Urheberrechtsreform 2021 Teil 4: Verantwort­lich­keit der Dienste­anbie­ter nach dem UrhDaG

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Mit dem Urheberrechts-Diensteanbieter-Gesetz (UrhDaG) wird ein völlig neues Haftungsregime in Deutschland etabliert. In diesem Beitrag werfen wir nun einen näheren Blick auf die Voraussetzungen, unter denen Diensteanbieter...more

Weintraub Tobin

Instagram Faces Claims That It Encouraged Media Companies To Illegally Embed Images Posted To Instagram By Users

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We recently wrote about a case in the Southern District of New York against Mashable relating to the embedding of content from social media platforms like Instagram. In that case, the court held that Instagram’s terms of use...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Liability for Copyright Infringement Attaches if Conduct Exceeds Scope of License

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit revived a software owner’s copyright infringement suit because the district court erred in granting summary judgment of no infringement by failing to analyze whether the accused...more

Haug Partners LLP

Intermediary Liability and Indirect Infringement for Marketplaces in Europe and the United States

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Counterfeiters often act through intermediaries, including online marketplaces, social media companies, and internet service providers (“ISPs”), that may not be aware that their services are being used for infringing...more

Robins Kaplan LLP

The Big Three Sue an ISP for Enabling Copyright Infringement

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The so-called Big Three record companies—Universal, Sony, and Warner—have sued to hold an internet service provider liable for facilitating its customers’ copyright infringement....more

Hogan Lovells

Practical Pointers: Social Media Guidelines for Public Officials (and the People who Advise Them)

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Social media has transformed the ways legislators and their staff interact with constituents. Through social media platforms, our elected officials share insights into the legislative process, communicate with constituents,...more

Hogan Lovells

German Federal Court of Justice submits copyright dispute over YouTube to CJEU

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This week, copyright is all over the place. After the European Parliament voted on proposed copyright reform in Europe last Wednesday (12 September 2018), the long-awaited decision of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH)...more

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