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Copyright Infringement Work-For-Hire

Snell & Wilmer

Church Founder’s Works Not “Works for Hire” Even Though Founder Was Employee

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Keith Rhinehart started the Aquarian Foundation church in 1955, with a mission to study “Modern Spiritualism, Christianity, Eastern and Metaphysical Thought.” Bruce Lowndes joined the church in the 1970s and grew close with...more

Vondran Legal

SRIP come calling for copyright infringement?

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According to their website they are an IP enforcement law firm that helps artists protect their content. We know them from pursuing many copyright infringement cases dealing with all kinds of photograpy. They list offices...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Post-Creation Letter Exchange Doesn’t Constitute Work for Hire Agreement

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Addressing an issue of whether a letter exchange qualifies as a work for hire agreement under US copyright laws, the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit reversed and remanded the district court grant of summary...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

No Laughing Matter: Court Dismisses Copyright Claims Against Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee Show

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Judge Alison Nathan of the Southern District federal court in New York recently dismissed copyright infringement claims against comedian Jerry Seinfeld over the show Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee because the statute of...more

McDermott Will & Emery

That’s All He Wrote: Copyright Owners No Longer Enjoy Presumption of Irreparable Harm

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Addressing for the first time the issue of whether a presumption of irreparable harm should apply in copyright infringement cases, the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit held that it did not, aligning the rule for...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Third Circuit Analyzes Work for Hire and Assignment Requirements and Explains Why the Distinction Matters

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When a judicial opinion refers to a “bitter feud”, a plaintiff “beset by acrimony”, and a “rock star” banker who “faced his peripeteia” (we looked it up for you - it’s Greek for “reversal of fortune”), you know there’s gotta...more

Miller Canfield

Nike Strikes Back Against Kawhi Leonard Over Logo Lawsuit

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What a month and a half it has been for the former King of the North. He led the Toronto Raptors on an improbable run to the 2019 NBA Championship and captured the heart of a nation. He led a Toronto news helicopter on a...more

International Lawyers Network

“...this is my life”: Corporate Biography, Moral Rights & Being Slow To Berne

People often do quite well financially selling their life story. But stop and think for a minute what that statement means — “selling their life story.” The complex personal investment each writer makes in his/her craft and...more

Foley Hoag LLP - Making Your Mark

Who Owns The Copyright In The Photograph That Launched A Thousand Pleadings?

Over a decade ago, a lawyer snapped a photograph of the Indianapolis skyline, thus opening the gates to perhaps the most prolific flood of copyright litigation in the history of Indiana. Over the last five years or so, this...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Iron Man Composer Battles Tech Giant Sony and Ghostface Killah

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The US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in favor of the composer of the 1960s Iron Man theme song, finding material facts in dispute as to whether the song was commissioned as a work for hire. Jack Urbont v. Sony...more

Akerman LLP - Marks, Works & Secrets

Second Circuit Revives Copyright Claims Against Sony and Ghostface Killah

In Urbont v. Sony Music Entertainment Inc., 15-1778, the Second Circuit recently revived claims against Sony and Ghostface Killah, holding that although third parties may raise a work for hire defense, here there were factual...more

Jaburg Wilk

Monkeying with Copyrights: Who Owns the Monkey Selfies? A Lesson in Copyright Ownership

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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently filed a copyright infringement lawsuit on behalf of a crested macaque monkey, who famously snapped a smiling selfie of himself using wildlife photographer David...more

Foley Hoag LLP - Trademark, Copyright &...

Copyright Strategies for Start-Up Companies

As a leader of a start-up company, you are probably aware of the importance of protecting your company’s innovative products, services and technologies through patent filings. If you are savvy, you are also aware of the...more

Kelley Drye & Warren LLP

Second Circuit Rules That Movie Directors Generally Don’t Have A Copyright Interest In Their Individual Contributions To A Movie

The Second Circuit was recently asked to decide whether a contributor to a creative work, whose contributions are inseparable from and integrated into the work, can maintain a copyright interest in his or her contributions. ...more

McDermott Will & Emery

No Copyright in Individual Contributions to a Film - 16 Casa Duse, LLC v. Merkin

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Citing the U.S. Court of Appeals Ninth Circuit’s recent en banc decision in Garcia v. Google (IP Update, Vol. 18, No. 6), the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit affirmed a summary judgment ruling that...more

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