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Corporate Conversions Tax Planning

Foster Garvey PC

A Journey Through Subchapter S / A Review of The Not So Obvious & The Many Traps That Exist For The Unwary: Part X – Converting a...

Foster Garvey PC on

When considering converting a C corporation to an S corporation, tax advisers and taxpayers need to pay careful attention to the many perils that exist. Failure to pay close attention to the road in this area could result in...more

Bilzin Sumberg

Retroactive Tax Planning

Bilzin Sumberg on

Converting Subpart F Income into Qualified Dividends - U.S. shareholders of foreign corporations are generally not subject to tax on the earnings of such corporations until the earnings are repatriated to the...more

Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC

S Corporations - Time To Drop Them!

Most of us know that S corporations are reasonably tax efficient from an operating standpoint: leaving aside Illinois replacement tax, only one level of tax is paid on company earnings (at the shareholder level). We also know...more

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