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Corporate Restructuring Creditors Insolvency


Jersey – Creditor-Driven Winding up Regime in Jersey

Walkers on

Changes to the Companies Law in 2022 have increased the options available to creditors of insolvent Jersey companies - A creditor is now able to apply to the Jersey Court to wind up a company a liquidated claim against a...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Holding Water: Thames Water Restructuring Plan Sanctioned

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The English court has sanctioned the group’s interim financing plan, but the opposing creditor group’s appeal will be heard on an expedited basis. The last 12 months have been turbulent for Thames Water. Following the...more

Awatif Mohammad Shoqi Advocates & Legal...

Preventive Settlement and Restructuring Procedures Under the UAE Bankruptcy Laws

Running a business involves taking risks in order to continue to scale new grounds. Sometimes, these risks may not be successful, leading to debts. Even without risks, debts may be incurred as a result of not being able to...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

What Are Some Alternatives to Chapter 11 and How Do They Affect Creditors? - Creditor’s Rights Toolkit

Troutman Pepper Locke on

There are many reasons why a company might be experiencing financial distress, including overwhelming debt, cash flow problems, substantial litigation claims, and/or economic downturn. Companies sometimes use Chapter 11 as a...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Cram-across: Sino-Ocean Restructuring Plan Makes Waves

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The evolution of the English RP continues to push the jurisdictional envelope. The English court’s sanction of the Sino-Ocean restructuring plan (RP) marks an interesting development in the evolution of the English RP....more


Watch Your Language! Non-Pro Rata Uptier Transactions and the Serta and Mitel Decisions

Mintz on

Among the many financial innovations that came out of the COVID era, non-pro rata uptier transactions as a liability management exercise (“LMEs”) are among the more controversial. While lawsuits challenging non-pro rata...more

Jones Day

Business Restructuring Review Vol. 24 No. 1 | January–February 2025

Jones Day on

The Year in Bankruptcy: 2024 - A brief chronicle of the year's notable developments in corporate bankruptcy and restructuring, including business bankruptcy filings, significant court rulings, and legislative...more

Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

European Restructuring: 2024 in Review and Outlook for 2025

Market - overview Whilst Europe did not witness the flood of restructuring and insolvencies some had predicted at the start of the year, 2024 was a significant year nonetheless. Many commentators now predict an extended...more

Hogan Lovells

In re Wack Jills: Delaware decision marks the end of Wild West ABC proceedings

Hogan Lovells on

In a recent opinion in an assignment for the benefit of creditors (ABC) proceeding, the Delaware Court of Chancery provided an illustrative account of the assignee’s failures to comply with the relevant statutory scheme, and...more

Woodruff Sawyer

Managing Through Financial Distress: The Board’s Oversight Role and Protecting Against Litigation

Woodruff Sawyer on

When a public company faces significant financial challenges and uncertainty, the pressure on management teams and boards of directors to make the “right” decisions intensifies. If those financial challenges are not...more

Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP

Davies Insolvency Now, Issue 11 - 2019 – 2024 Data Trends

In this issue of Insolvency Now, we report on the data trends we are seeing so far in 2024 compared with when we first started tracking data in 2019. Key Takeaways: •Overall, we are seeing a marked increase in filings,...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy Proceedings in the United States (Updated)

Bankruptcy Proceedings in the United States - General Overview of the Primary Protection Granted to a Debtor Under the United States Bankruptcy Code - The United States Bankruptcy Code, through its various chapters,...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Spain (Updated)


International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Slovakia (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER SLOVAKIAN LAW - We present here the following answers to the questions mentioned in the ILN Restructuring & Insolvency Collaborative Paper which...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Romania (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER ROMANIAN LAW - 1. A brief presentation of the bankruptcy/insolvency/rehabilitation proceedings of the country and their main differences. ...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Portugal (Updated)


International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in the Netherlands (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER DUTCH LAW - I. Insolvency proceedings in The Netherlands - There are four law-regulated insolvency proceedings in The Netherlands: bankruptcy...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Mexico (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER MEXICAN LAW - Preface - On 12 May 2000, the Commercial Insolvency Law (the “CIL”) was published in the Federal Official Gazette, and it entered into...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Restructuring Proceedings in Italy (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER ITALIAN LAW - 1. Presentation of the judicial liquidation/ insolvency/ rehabilitation proceedings in Italy and their main characteristics. The...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Greece (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER GREEK LAW - Introduction - In the Greek law there are several types of proceedings addressing the inability of a merchant debtor (either a natural...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in France

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER FRENCH LAW - Under French law, companies are protected by several procedures to overcome financial difficulties. This legal protection aims to help...more

Bennett Jones LLP

The SCC Clarifies the Corporate Attribution Doctrine and Creditor Protection Tools in Insolvency Law

Bennett Jones LLP on

In the unrelated companion cases of Aquino v Bondfield Construction Co, 2024 SCC 31 (Aquino) and Scott v Golden Oaks Enterprises Inc, 2024 SCC 32 (Golden Oaks), the Supreme Court of Canada (the SCC or the Court) applied the...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Finland (Updated)

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER FINNISH LAW - In Finland, insolvency legislation provides for two distinct statutory processes: bankruptcy and corporate restructuring, each with...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Chile

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER CHILEAN LAW - I- Introduction - Law N° 20.720 on Reorganization and Liquidation (“The Law”) modernized insolvency proceedings in Chile, promoting...more

International Lawyers Network

Bankruptcy, Insolvency & Rehabilitation Proceedings in Brazil

KEY FACTS OF BANKRUPTCY, INSOLVENCY & REHABILITATION PROCEEDINGS UNDER BRAZILIAN LAW - 1. A brief presentation of the bankruptcy/ insolvency/ rehabilitation proceedings of the country and their main differences. The...more

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