News & Analysis as of

Covered Entities Hospitals Acquisitions

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Indiana Notification of Health Care Transactions Law Takes Effect

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

On July 1, 2024, Indiana’s new health care transactions notification law takes effect. The law is designed to increase government oversight of mergers and acquisitions involving health care entities....more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - Vermont

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Requires parties to provide notice to the Vermont Attorney General (“VT AG”) for transactions involving Vermont hospitals that are acquiring medical practices. ..The parties must provide 90 days...more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - Rhode Island

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Parties must obtain approval from the Rhode Island Attorney General (“RI AG”) and Department of Health (“DOH”) for certain transactions involving Rhode Island hospitals. ..Under the statute, the RI...more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - New York

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Requires parties to provide notice to the New York Department of Health (“NYDOH”) of certain transactions involving “health care entities”. ..The parties must provide 30 days notice before closing to...more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - Illinois

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Requires parties to provide notice to the Illinois Attorney General (“IL AG”) for transactions involving certain health care facilities and provider organization group practices. ..The parties must...more


Indiana Enacts Broad Notification Requirements for Healthcare Transactions with a Clear Focus on Private Equity

Goodwin on

Earlier this year, Indiana joined a growing number of states by enacting a new notification requirement for certain healthcare transactions. Indiana Senate Bill Number 9 (SB 9), effective July 1, 2024, is likely to require...more

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