News & Analysis as of

Covered Entities Hospitals Compliance


A New Budgetary Line Item for 2025 - New York-based Hospitals Should Plan Now for the Fiscal and Operational Costs Associated with...

BakerHostetler on

On October 2, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) issued new cybersecurity regulations (Regulations) for all general hospitals in New York state (“hospitals”), creating a new Section 405.46 in Title 10 (Health)...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

HHS Abandons Appeal in Public Website Pixel Case, But CEs and BAs Should Expect Continued Scrutiny

The HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has abandoned its appeal of a federal judge’s ruling overturning OCR’s guidance prohibiting covered entities (CEs) and business associates (BAs) from using the web-tracking technologies...more

Holland & Knight LLP

New Requirements for Research Security Programs Raise the Stakes for Compliance

Holland & Knight LLP on

The National Security Presidential Memorandum-33 (NSPM-33), issued in January 2021, directed federal agencies that fund research and development (R&D) projects to require certain "Covered Institutions" to certify that the...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Indiana Notification of Health Care Transactions Law Takes Effect

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

On July 1, 2024, Indiana’s new health care transactions notification law takes effect. The law is designed to increase government oversight of mergers and acquisitions involving health care entities....more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - Vermont

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Requires parties to provide notice to the Vermont Attorney General (“VT AG”) for transactions involving Vermont hospitals that are acquiring medical practices. ..The parties must provide 90 days...more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - Rhode Island

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Parties must obtain approval from the Rhode Island Attorney General (“RI AG”) and Department of Health (“DOH”) for certain transactions involving Rhode Island hospitals. ..Under the statute, the RI...more


State Healthcare Transaction Notification Laws - New York

Goodwin on

Key Takeaways - ..Requires parties to provide notice to the New York Department of Health (“NYDOH”) of certain transactions involving “health care entities”. ..The parties must provide 30 days notice before closing to...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

HIPAA on the Horizon in the New Year: Important Lessons from an Active 2023 and Regulatory Initiatives to Watch for in 2024

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

2023 marked 20 years since the first compliance deadline under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’s (“HIPAA”) privacy rule. Despite the two decades of experience with HIPAA, compliance continues to remain...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

[Event] 2023 Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Conference - November 5th - 7th, Washington, DC

Hear directly from the enforcement community - Want to gain insight into properly monitoring, detecting, investigating, and managing violations? Join us at HCCA’s Annual Healthcare Enforcement Compliance Conference to...more

McDermott Will & Emery

[Webinar] 340B… Or Not 340B: Oversight, Compliance and Enforcement - July 15th, 9:00 am - 10:00 am PT

McDermott Will & Emery on

The 340B Program has gained national attention over the last decade, in part due to the opportunities it provides to generate revenue for participating entities without risk of significant enforcement penalties for...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

[Webinar] 2021 DWT Healthcare Regulatory and Compliance Seminar - A Virtual Series - March 18th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT

Please join us for our annual healthcare compliance seminar to discuss current developments in healthcare regulation and hospital compliance... Registrants will have the option of selecting the sessions they would like to...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

[Webinar] 2021 DWT Healthcare Regulatory and Compliance Seminar - A Virtual Series - March 16th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT

Please join us for our annual healthcare compliance seminar to discuss current developments in healthcare regulation and hospital compliance... Registrants will have the option of selecting the sessions they would like to...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

[Webinar] 2021 DWT Healthcare Regulatory and Compliance Seminar - A Virtual Series - March 11th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT

Please join us for our annual healthcare compliance seminar to discuss current developments in healthcare regulation and hospital compliance... Registrants will have the option of selecting the sessions they would like to...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

[Webinar] 2021 DWT Healthcare Regulatory and Compliance Seminar - A Virtual Series - March 9th, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PT

Please join us for our annual healthcare compliance seminar to discuss current developments in healthcare regulation and hospital compliance... Registrants will have the option of selecting the sessions they would like to...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

[Virtual Event] 2021 25th Annual Compliance Institute - April 19th - 22nd, 9:30 am - 4:35 pm CDT

The Compliance Institute is celebrating 25 years! Join us for the Compliance Institute's 25th anniversary, April 19-22, 2021. This year, HCCA is excited to celebrate over two decades of compliance excellence with our...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

Report on Medicare Compliance Volume 30, Number 2. News Briefs: January 2021 #2

Report on Medicare Compliance 30, no. 2 (January 18, 2021) - Recovery audit contractors (RACs) may soon be auditing positron emission tomography (PET) for initial treatment strategy in oncologic conditions for compliance...more

Health Care Compliance Association (HCCA)

[Event] March Privacy Compliance Academy - March 9th - 12th, San Diego, CA

Dive into a broad spectrum of topics affecting healthcare organizations. Explore the latest laws, regulations, and developments to help you effectively manage your organization’s privacy compliance program. Our Academies are...more

Holland & Knight LLP

HHS Issues Proposed 340B Program Omnibus Guidance: Five Things to Watch

Holland & Knight LLP on

The 340B Drug Pricing Program (340B Program), established by Section 602 of the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, is administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of HHS. The 340B Program requires...more

K&L Gates LLP

HHS Proposes Rules for Nondiscrimination in Health Care

K&L Gates LLP on

On September 8, 2015, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) proposed new regulations implementing Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). Section 1557 prohibits...more

K&L Gates LLP

HRSA Issues 340B Program Omnibus Guidance

K&L Gates LLP on

On August 28, 2015, the Health Resources and Services Administration (“HRSA”) published proposed Omnibus Guidance (the “Proposed Guidance”) governing policies related to section 340B of the Public Health Service Act (“PHSA”),...more

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