News & Analysis as of

Covered Entities Proposed Legislation Business Associates

Winstead PC

HIPAA Gets a Potential Counterpart in HISAA

Winstead PC on

Americans hear about cybersecurity incidents on a frequent basis. As the adage goes, it is not a matter of “if” a breach or security hack occurs; it is a matter of “when.”...more

Dorsey & Whitney LLP

Significant New Healthcare Privacy and Cybersecurity Developments

Dorsey & Whitney LLP on

As the federal government continues to take action in response to events impacting the healthcare landscape, stakeholders must ensure that they are staying up-to-date with health information privacy and security developments...more

Mintz - Privacy & Cybersecurity Viewpoints

Privacy Tuesday – September 2014

Happy autumnal equinox Home Depot Breach – By the Numbers: - 56 million cards at risk (compare to Target = 40 million) - $62 million in estimated costs (compare to Target =$146 million and counting) ...more

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