Updates to Statute 1557 that Healthcare Providers Need to Know
Privacy and Healthcare Business Associates with Isabella Porter
State Law Privacy Video Series | Healthcare Entities and Health Data
Gerry Blass on Healthcare Vendor Risk Management
AGG Talks: Technology - In the Balance: Interoperability and Security
Is Your Practice's Marketing HIPAA Compliant?
Relaxed HIPAA Restrictions For Providers Using Telehealth
Compliance Perspectives: Permissible Disclosures under HIPAA, Especially in the Time of COVID-19
Polsinelli Podcasts - Confusion to Clarity on the Future of the 340B Program
Polsinelli Podcast - HIPAA Changes Overview
In September 2023, Delaware became the seventh state in 2023 to enact comprehensive privacy law with the Delaware Personal Data Privacy Act (DPDPA), joining Indiana, Iowa, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas. The DPDPA will...more
So far 2024 has seen a flurry of new and proposed state comprehensive privacy legislation. Nebraska and Kentucky are the two latest states to jump on the bandwagon. Both follow the now familiar framework established by the...more
Proposed American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 seeks to establish national consumer data privacy rights, govern Artificial Intelligence and automated decision-making, impose additional obligations on high-impact social media...more
Oregon’s governor has now signed into law the state’s comprehensive privacy law. Meaning, there are now 12 states with these laws, six of which were passed just this year (others passed in 2023 were Iowa, Indiana, Tennessee,...more
In June, Texas became the tenth state with a comprehensive privacy law. The Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (“TDPSA”) contains familiar provisions from other state privacy laws regulating the collection, use, processing,...more
On June 6, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis approved the passage of Senate Bill 262, which establishes the Florida Digital Bill of Rights (FDBR), set to go into effect July 1, 2024. Florida is now the tenth state to pass...more
Much like the beginning of 2023, when two new state data privacy acts went into effect, the midpoint of 2023 will feature two more state data privacy acts coming onto the books. On July 1, 2023, the Colorado Privacy Act...more
At last count, at least 39 states have introduced (or passed) comprehensive privacy legislation. After what was previously a watch-and-wait game of legislative whack-a-mole, we are now seeing this legislation get passed and...more
California Governor Gavin Newsom on September 29 signed into law Assembly Bill 1281, which ensures that the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) limited exemptions for employment-related and business-to-business (B2B) data...more
There are many facets to California’s new data privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA), that are generating a lot of buzz — such as the new rights afforded to California consumers and the broad...more
With more than double the number of required signatures well ahead of the verification deadline late this month, the citizen-initiated measure "The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018" appears headed for the statewide...more