Bar Exam Toolbox Podcast Episode 218: Listen and Learn -- Intent Under the Model Penal Code (Criminal Law)
The guidance recommends that companies put in place controls that are proportionate to their operations, including the level of its exposure to foreign bribery risks and its business activities, which includes the...more
We have been talking about it since last year: the bill to secure and regulate the digital space ("SREN") has now been passed. The legislative process leading up to the enactment of the SREN bill has been slow (as a reminder:...more
È stata finalmente pubblicata in Gazzetta Ufficiale (G.U. n. 68 del 22 marzo 2022) la Legge 9 marzo 2022, n. 22 avente ad oggetto “Disposizioni in materia di reati contro il patrimonio culturale”, entrata in vigore in data 23...more
A recently passed North Carolina law—S.B. 473, effective Dec. 9, 2021—imposes new restrictions and requirements on public officials. While North Carolina has for a long time prohibited public officials from deriving a direct...more
Canada has designated the Proud Boys as a terrorist entity, meaning that banks and other financial services providers will no longer be allowed to deal with or facilitate transactions concerning property controlled by the...more
On 30 June the House of Representatives voted and approved 3 decrees whereby A new Federal Law for the Protection of Industrial Property is enacted, Federal Copyright Law is amended; and, Federal Criminal Code is also...more
Two bills that change the code enforcement process in California were signed recently by Gov. Jerry Brown - AB 2495: Cost Recovery in Criminal Code Enforcement Cases and AB 2485: Local Agency Inspections Cannot Include...more
Retaliatory Sanctions - On June 4, 2018, Russian President Putin signed the Federal Law "On Measures to Counter Unfriendly Actions of the United States of America and/or Other Foreign States" after it was overwhelmingly...more
As of July 1 of this year, Spain becomes the latest in a string of nations with a corporate compliance defense. Article 33 of Spain’s criminal code will provide an exemption from corporate criminal liability where the company...more