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Criminal Conspiracy Risk Mitigation

Robinson+Cole Data Privacy + Security Insider

Enfield, NH Victim of $742K Wire Fraud Scheme

The Town of Enfield, New Hampshire, appears to have been the victim of a man-in-the-middle scheme involving the transfer of $742,000 to a fraudulent bank account. The town is constructing a new $7.2 million public safety...more

Oberheiden P.C.

Defending Against Federal Computer Crime Charges Under 18 U.S.C. Section 1030

Oberheiden P.C. on

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), codified at 18 U.S.C. Section 1030, is one of the U.S. Department of Justice’s most potent weapons in its fight against cybercrimes. It outlines numerous offenses, and it imposes...more

Oberheiden P.C.

SBA Loan Fraud Defense—How to Defend Against an Indictment

Oberheiden P.C. on

Tips on Preparing to Defend Against Allegations of SBA Loan Fraud During the COVID-19 Crisis - Federal emergency relief legislation—including the Coronavirus Aid, Recovery, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”)—has...more

White & Case LLP

President Trump's trade wars and the expansion of customs violations into the white-collar space

White & Case LLP on

The US' ongoing trade wars—with various trading partners and particularly with China—are everywhere in the news. Putting politics and policy aside, the "trade wars" reflect a basic disagreement over the rules that should...more

McDermott Will & Emery

Focus on China - October 2015

McDermott Will & Emery on

Welcome to the third issue of Focus on China Compliance for 2015. According to the FCPA Blog’s October 2015 Corporate Investigations List, China leads the countries reported to be involved in FCPA investigations with 29...more

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