The Consequences Of Rising Inflation & Crude Oil Prices
In Citizens for Clean Air & Clean Water in Brazoria County et al v. United States Department of Transportation et al., several environmental groups challenged the DOT’s approval of a license for commercial construction and...more
The United States Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (“PHMSA”) issued a July 24th Public Notice and Invitation to Comment (“Notice”) addressing the states of North Dakota and Montana’s (“States”) request...more
Our goal is to serve as a leading-edge resource for companies navigating the rapidly evolving landscapes of the domestic and global energy markets. Moore & Van Allen’s EIB Energy Highlights is a complement to our Energy...more
Few of us can erase from our memories the imagery of fires blazing at the scenes of crude oil train derailments in West Virginia in early February and in Illinois earlier this month. The fact that these trains carrying Bakken...more