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Cryptocurrency Swiss Banks Internal Revenue Service

Allen Barron, Inc.

What Happens If You Don't File an FBAR

Allen Barron, Inc. on

It is common for a US taxpayer to ask “what happens if you don’t file an FBAR or a Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Assets with the IRS? Why do I have to worry about filing an FBAR in San Diego or anywhere in the US,...more

Allen Barron, Inc.

How Does the IRS Use AI to Identify Tax Cheats?

Allen Barron, Inc. on

Could Artificial Intelligence (AI) increase the likelihood of an IRS audit in your future? How does the IRS use AI to identify US taxpayers who attempt to hide assets, under-report income or otherwise cheat the IRS? In...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Are Bitcoins And Other Cryptocurrencies The Next Swiss Bank Accounts?

Fox Rothschild LLP on

We all know the French proverb; the more things change the more they stay the same. It has a place in the current controversy over the sudden collapse of Mt. Gox, Bitcoin’s leading dealer. Bitcoin is a virtual or...more

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