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Declaratory Judgments Summary Judgment Policy Terms

Morris James LLP

Subrogation and UIM Claims: Unpacking the Recent Henry and Manz Decisions

Morris James LLP on

The Delaware Supreme Court's decisions in Henry I and Henry II have had a significant impact on workers’ compensation claims involving underinsured motorist (UIM) benefits. Here, we break down the complex issues surrounding...more

Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP

Reminder Why Injured Claimants Must be Named in Declaratory Judgment Complaint

In Direct Auto Insurance Company v. Bahena, et al., 2019 IL App (1st) 172918, the Illinois Appellate Court sifted through a procedural nightmare in order to get to the very sensical conclusion that “It cannot be the case that...more

Robinson+Cole Property Insurance Coverage...

New Jersey Appellate Division Applies Anti-Concurrent Causation Clause to Bar Combined Flood/Sewer Backup Claim

Frequent readers of the blog will appreciate that disputes involving the application of anti-concurrent causation language in the context of claims for flood or water damage have appeared with some frequency in recent years....more

Carlton Fields

In Indiana, an Absolute Pollution Exclusion May Exclude Absolutely Nothing

Carlton Fields on

A recent article in the Sports section of The Miami Herald read “Shooting coach helps Winslow.” Perhaps, but it probably didn’t help the coach much. The admonition to “eat every carrot and pea on your plate” undoubtedly...more

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