News & Analysis as of

Defamation Breach of Contract

Defamation is a false statement, either written or oral, that harms the reputation of another person. In order to recover for defamation, a victim must establish that 1) the statement was false 2) the statement... more +
Defamation is a false statement, either written or oral, that harms the reputation of another person. In order to recover for defamation, a victim must establish that 1) the statement was false 2) the statement was communicated or published to a third party 3) the defendant caused the statement to be communicated or published, either intentionally or at least negligently 4) some harm was suffered as a result. less -
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Is It Defamatory to Call Your Contractor a Crook and a Con Man?

Not according to a decision from a federal court in Ohio. The case involves a landscaping project at a hillside home in Cincinnati. The property overlooks the Ohio River, but like many projects that become cases, it ended up...more

Kaufman & Canoles

K&C Sports & Entertainment Law Weekly Roundup - February 2025 #3

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Kansas State baseball player Cary Arbolida became the latest former JUCO athlete to file a lawsuit against the NCAA. He played three years of JUCO ball – including the COVID-impacted 2020 campaign – before spending the last...more

Clark Hill PLC

When a University Investigates and Punishes a Male Student, but Not Female Students, for Spreading False Rumors of Sexual...

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In a lawsuit filed against Vanderbilt University by a male student who was disciplined for spreading rumors about alleged sexual misconduct by another male student, a federal district court allowed the plaintiff to pursue...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP - Social Media

Social Links: If the Suit Fits

Character Technologies has been hit with two lawsuits, including a wrongful death suit (among other claims), in less than two months over its popular chatbot. The first was filed in the U.S. District Court for...more


This Week in eDiscovery: Judges Share Most Impactful Cases and eDiscovery Hiring Heats Up

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Every week, the Array team reviews the latest news and analysis about the evolving field of eDiscovery to bring you the topics and trends you need to know. This week’s post covers the week of February 26 to March 3. Here’s...more

Tyson & Mendes LLP

The California Insurance Code and Willful Acts

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Companies facing lawsuits involving alleged claims of willful acts have had a rude awakening following the ruling in The Wonderful Co. LLC et al. v. Starr Indemnity & Liability Co. by a California federal court that came at...more

Freiberger Haber LLP

Pleading With Particularity: Defamation Causes of Action

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As readers of this Blog know, we often write about the pleading requirements under the Civil Practice Law and Rules (“CPLR”). In that regard, many of our articles involve cases in which CPLR 3016(b) is at issue – the...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

November 2023 California Employment Law Notes

We invite you to review our newly-posted November 2023 California Employment Law Notes, a comprehensive review of the latest and most significant developments in California employment law...more

Tucker Arensberg, P.C.

School District Subject to Suit for Manner of Completing Act 168 (“Pass the Trash”) Form

Tucker Arensberg, P.C. on

Dale McClendon v. The School District of Philadelphia, 2023 WL 4237080 (E.D. Pa 2023). (Federal court held that a school district was subject to due process and breach of contract claims for the manner in which it completed a...more

McGlinchey Stafford

Can I Recover Fees Under an Offer of Judgment Even if I Lose on Appeal? - McGlinchey Commercial Law Bulletin - June 22 2023

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Marchbanks v. Ice House Ventures, LLC, Slip. Op. No. 2023-Ohio-1866. In this discretionary appeal, the Ohio Supreme Court reversed the appellate court’s ruling, finding that an enforceable settlement agreement existed,...more

Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP

Developments in Association Law 2021 – 2022

A review of notable cases and regulatory developments for nonprofit organizations at the federal and state levels in 2021 and 2022. Governance - Striltschuk v. Hryckowian, 202 A.D.3d 497, 160 N.Y.S.3d 56 (2022) - ...more

Venable LLP

Personal Jurisdiction and the Calder Effects Test: Ninth Circuit Sides with Florida Plaintiff in Defamation Suit Against Bishops

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On June 3, 2022, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals held that an Arizona district court erred in dismissing a defamation suit for lack of personal jurisdiction. The suit was brought by an attorney against three Catholic...more

McGlinchey Stafford

Did I waive the terms of my contract? - McGlinchey Commercial Law Bulletin - July 8, 2022

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Fair Debt Collection Practices Act- In this appeal, the Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reversed and remanded the District Court for the Northern District of Ohio’s decision, finding the debt collector violated the...more

Proskauer Rose LLP

Three Point Shot - February 2022

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Welcome to Three Point Shot, a newsletter brought to you by the Sports Law Group at Proskauer. Three Point Shot brings you the latest in sports law-related news and provides you with links to related materials....more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Arbitration Of Employment Disputes

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The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. (FINRA) is an independent regulatory body, overseeing securities firms and their brokers and other registered personnel. Arbitration of employment disputes in the arbitration...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Allegations Swirl Around The Care Of Chimpanzees At Project Chimps, As reported In Animal Wildlife Watch

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Care provided to chimpanzees at Project Chimps, a sanctuary for chimpanzees located in Georgia, has come under fire by “[m]ore than 20 former staffers and volunteers,” as reported by Rachel Fobar in Animal Wildlife Watch on...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

First Department Protective of High-Frequency Trading Algorithm: Considerations in Handling Discovery Requests for Propriety Code,...

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

As we continue to see increased litigation over electronic programs, apps, and algorithms, courts are increasingly called to consider discovery requests for the coding behind that technology.  These requests highlight the...more


Med-Staff Newsletter - January 2020 | VOL 4

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With the New Year comes new medical staff leaders and a new set of growing pains. Contrary to what many of us believe, some simple steps can lessen the pain. ...more

Winstead PC

Texas Court Compels A Limited Partner’s Employment And Defamation Claims To Arbitration Due To The Partnership Agreement’s...

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In Gray vs. Ward, Ward and Gray started a limited partnership where Ward was a limited partner and Gray was a limited partner and the manager of the general partner. No. 05-18-00266-CV, 2019 Tex. App. LEXIS 6992 (Tex....more

Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

Avoid Buyer’s Remorse Over EPLI Coverage

Many employers purchase Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI) to insure against loss as a result of employment claims. However, employers who do not carefully read their policies could be surprised by what is (or is...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

The 2017 Roundup of California Anti-SLAPP Appellate Decisions

In 2017, California’s state and federal appellate courts issued 34 published opinions interpreting the state’s anti-SLAPP statute (C.C.P. § 425.16 et. seq.) and more than 169 unpublished appellate opinions. The California...more

Jaburg Wilk

An Easy and Effective Way for Employers to Protect Themselves

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Imagine this scenario: Your company is in Arizona and one of your sales representatives goes to work for a competitor. He knows all about your pricing and bidding practices, so he helps your competitor undercut your prices....more

Holland & Knight LLP

Religious Institutions Update: January 2018 - Lex Est Sanctio Sancta

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Timely Topics - By Shannon B. Hartsfield - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced on Jan. 18, 2018, the creation of a new division within its Office for Civil Rights (OCR). OCR is described as...more

Proskauer - California Employment Law

California Employment Law Notes - January 2018

Trial Court Erroneously Granted Bill Cosby's Anti-SLAPP Motion - Dickinson v. Cosby, 17 Cal. App. 5th 655 (2017) - After Janice Dickinson went public with her accusations of rape against Bill Cosby, Cosby's attorney...more

Goulston & Storrs PC

Eleventh Circuit Finds No Coverage for Contempt Proceedings under Lloyd's Professional Liability Insurance Policy

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In Jones, Foster, Johnston & Stubbs, P.A. v. Prosight-Syndicate 1110 at Lloyd’s, United States No. 15-12399, 2017 WL 586450 (11th Cir., February 14, 2017) the insured law firm sought to recover legal fees and costs incurred...more

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