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Defamation Unfair Competition Brand

Defamation is a false statement, either written or oral, that harms the reputation of another person. In order to recover for defamation, a victim must establish that 1) the statement was false 2) the statement... more +
Defamation is a false statement, either written or oral, that harms the reputation of another person. In order to recover for defamation, a victim must establish that 1) the statement was false 2) the statement was communicated or published to a third party 3) the defendant caused the statement to be communicated or published, either intentionally or at least negligently 4) some harm was suffered as a result. less -
Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

How To Protect Your Brand From Competitors in the New Year

The start of the new year is a pivotal time in the retail sector for re-evaluating marketing and brand protection. Unfortunately, competitors often devise innovative ways to capitalize on the marketing and sales efforts of...more

Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig PLLC

What Are The Grounds For A Cease-And-Desist Letter?

If someone is hurting you or your business, one option is to send a cease-and-desist letter (also known as a “demand letter”). What is it, and what are the grounds for a cease and desist letter? This letter informs the...more

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz LLP

How To Protect Your Brand From Competitors This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a pivotal time in the retail sector in both in-store and online forms, presenting retailers with key opportunities to boost revenue. As consumers shop year-end sales, competitors continuously find...more

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