News & Analysis as of

Denial of Institution

Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.

2024 PTAB Year in Review: Analysis & Trends – 2024 PTAB Case Highlights

Abuse of Process and/or Sanctions – 37 C.F.R. § 42.12 - Spectrum Solutions LLC v. Longhorn Vaccines & Diagnostics, LLC, IPR2021-00847, IPR2021-00850, IPR2021-00854, IPR2021-00857 & IPR2021-00860 - Decision...more

Jones Day

Similar Claims in Prior IPR Petition Leads to Denial

Jones Day on

The PTAB recently denied institution of inter partes review of a patent directed to deep packet inspection in software defined networks in Juniper Networks, Inc. v. Orckit Corporation, IPR2024-00895. Applying the General...more

Jones Day

Two Many IPRs: Different References Insufficient for Parallel IPRs

Jones Day on

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (“PTAB”) recently denied institution in an inter partes review (“IPR”) where Petitioner later filed a parallel petition against the same claims of the same patent.   Shenzhen Root Tech. Co.,...more

Jones Day

Prior Art Asserted in Second Petition Should Have Been Asserted in the First

Jones Day on

The PTAB denied institution of a second inter partes review (“IPR”) petition filed by Aylo Freesites (“Petitioner”) after having previously instituted inter partes review of Petitioner’s first petition related to the same...more

Jones Day

Expert Testimony That Does Not Disclose Underlying Facts Or Data Entitled To Little Weight

Jones Day on

“Expert testimony that does not disclose the underlying facts or data on which the opinion is based is entitled to little or no weight.” 37 C.F.R. § 42.65(a). With that principle in mind, the PTAB recently denied institution...more

Jones Day

Director Vacates Decision Based on Improper Claim Construction

Jones Day on

The PTAB denied institution of inter partes review reasoning that Petitioner did not demonstrate a reasonable likelihood that Petitioner would prevail in establishing the unpatentability of any of the challenged claims. The...more

Jones Day

Director Vidal Reels In Discretionary Denials Under Section 314(a)

Jones Day on

Under 35 U.S.C. § 314(a), the PTAB has discretion to deny institution of an inter partes review. In certain circumstances, the PTAB will discretionarily deny a petition because another petition challenging the same patent...more

Jones Day

Institution Denied For Lack of Sufficient Structure

Jones Day on

The Board declined to institute inter partes review because Petitioner failed to identify adequate corresponding structure in the challenged patent that performed the function of claim limitation that was to be construed...more

Jones Day

Institution Denial Vacated to Reconsider Prior Art Drawing

Jones Day on

On April 5, 2024, Director Vidal vacated and remanded the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s (PTAB’s) denial of institution of inter partes review (IPR) where the Petitioner relied on a drawing in a prior art patent document to...more

Jones Day

Forced Cooperation Between Rivals Does Not Create a “Significant Relationship”

Jones Day on

Director Vidal recently vacated three discretionary denials of institution after finding that the three petitioners did not have a “significant relationship” with a prior petitioner. American Honda Motor Co., Inc. v. Neo...more

Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.

The ITC in 2023: A Look at Five of the Most Surprising Section 337 Developments

2023 was an exciting year for Section 337 litigation at the ITC, particularly in the final quarter of the year. As we ring in the new year, Wolf Greenfield Shareholder Libbie DiMarco examines five of the most noteworthy ITC...more

Jones Day

Institution Denied Based On Written Description in “Alternative Embodiments”

Jones Day on

On September 21, 2023, the PTAB denied United Services Automobile Association’s petition to institute inter partes review of Auto Telematics’s U.S. Patent No. 9,633,487.  IPR2023-00519, Paper 10....more

Jones Day

Failure to Make Full Sotera-Stipulation Contributes to Denial

Jones Day on

In an increasingly rare exercise of discretion, the PTAB denied institution of inter partes review under Fintiv in Zhuhai Cosmx Battery Co., Ltd. v. Ningde Amperex Technology Limited, IPR2023-00587. The PTAB reasoned that...more

Jones Day

Common Inventorship And Technology Insufficient For 325(d) Denial

Jones Day on

The PTAB recently declined to apply Section 325(d) and instituted inter partes review after a patent owner unsuccessfully argued that the petition relied on substantially the same prior art as that which the Office had...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

USPTO Director: Invalidity Judgment by District Court Does Not Foreclose Inter Partes Review

In a sua sponte review, USPTO Director Kathy Vidal continued her refinement of the PTAB’s “discretionary denial” practice. Specifically, the Director vacated the Board’s decision to deny institution in Volvo Penta of the...more

Morgan Lewis

USPTO Unleashes Wave of PTAB Rule Proposals

Morgan Lewis on

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on April 20 seeking comments on proposed changes to America Invents Act trial proceedings before the Patent Trial and...more

Hudnell Law Group

Fifth Circuit Denies Patent Owners’ Attempt To Formalize PTAB’s Discretionary Denials

Hudnell Law Group on

In 2021, an organization of patent owners and various patent-holding companies sued the USPTO in the Eastern District of Texas.  The patent owners sought to force the USPTO Director to engage in notice-and-comment rulemaking...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

PTAB Applies Director’s Guidance and Holds that Compelling Evidence of Unpatentability Precludes Fintiv Denial

In an IPR institution decision issued shortly after the USPTO issued interim guidance on discretionary denials, the PTAB held that the petition presented “compelling evidence of unpatentability,” foreclosing a Fintiv...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Discretionary Denials at the PTAB: What to Expect? - Patents: Post-Grant Podcast

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Please join Troutman Pepper’s Intellectual Property and Health Sciences Practice Group for the second season and first installment of our podcast series focused on strategy, trends, and other happenings at the PTAB. In this...more

Morgan Lewis

PTAB Considers Interim Fintiv Guidance in Refusing to Exercise Discretion to Deny Institution

Morgan Lewis on

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board recently granted the institution of an inter partes review in Samsung Electronics Co. v. Staton Techiya, LLC, despite the existence of a parallel proceeding in the US District Court for the...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

USPTO: Compelling Evidence of Unpatentability Forecloses Fintiv Denial

The USPTO recently issued new guidance on how the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) will apply Apple Inc. v. Fintiv Inc., a 2020 precedential decision which laid out considerations for denying institution of a post-grant...more

Morgan Lewis

USPTO Director Clarifies PTAB’s Application of Fintiv to Limit Discretionary Denials

Morgan Lewis on

The USPTO has issued interim procedures curbing the PTAB’s discretionary denials over post-grant proceedings associated with parallel ITC proceedings or district court litigation. ...more

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP

USPTO Provides Guidance on PTAB Discretionary Denials of Challenges Based on Parallel Litigation

On June 22, 2022, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued two documents regarding the Patent Trial and Appeals Board's discretionary denials of post-grant challenges based on parallel litigation: a retrospective study of...more

Jones Day

Healthy Overlap Between PTAB And Trial Court Favors Denial

Jones Day on

The PTAB recently denied institution of inter partes review (IPR) for claims 1 and 46 of U.S. 7,464,040 in eClinicalWorks, LLC et al. v. Decapolis Systems, LLC, IPR2022-0229, Paper 10 (PTAB April 13, 2022). The denial was...more

Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

PGR Challenge to Genus Claims Fails Because of Enabling Disclosure of Species in Pre-AIA Priority Applications

The Patent Trial and Appeal Board has denied institution of a post-grant review proceeding because the petitioner failed to show the challenged patent was eligible for PGR. The PTAB ruled that the petitioner’s evidence,...more

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