News & Analysis as of

Department of Labor (DOL) Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP

Fifth Circuit Declines Reconsideration of FLSA Salary Rule Decision

Last year in a rare victory for the Department of Labor, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a claim by a Dairy Queen franchisee that the Fair Labor Standards Act prohibits DOL from establishing any minimum salary for...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

DOL Appeal of Decision Invalidating 2024 Overtime Rule Likely on Last Legs

On November 15, 2024, in State of Texas v. United States Dep’t of Labor, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas ruled that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) exceeded its rulemaking authority by...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Practical Implications of Immigration Enforcement Activity on Retirement Plans

Foley & Lardner LLP on

The second Trump administration is intensely focused on enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. Understandably, employers are concerned about immigration visits and Form I-9 compliance, and human resource professionals are...more

Proskauer - Law and the Workplace

DOL’s Power to Set Salary Minimum for Overtime Exemption Ripe for SCOTUS Review

On February 14, 2025, the Fifth Circuit denied the appellants’ petition for rehearing en banc in Mayfield v. United States Dep’t of Labor—a September 2024 decision holding that the U.S. Department of Labor’s authority to...more

McAfee & Taft

Paying for workday travel for non‑exempt employees

McAfee & Taft on

Employers are not required to pay non-exempt employees for the time they spend commuting between their home and work to begin their workday or after ending their workday. However, travel time during the workday is often...more

Fisher Phillips

Snapshot on the Manufacturing Industry: $22M Verdict Reminds Manufacturers to Pay for Actual Donning and Doffing Time

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Welcome to this edition of the FP Snapshot on the Manufacturing Industry, where we take a quick snapshot look at a recent significant workplace law development with an emphasis on how it impacts employers in the manufacturing...more

McGlinchey Stafford

Executive Orders and Federal Contractors: Minimum Wage Requirements Called into Question

McGlinchey Stafford on

We’ve seen the President issue a number of executive orders in recent weeks. What is the precedent for these orders, particularly when it comes to governing the operations of federal contractors? What is the process for these...more

Troutman Pepper Locke

Federal Government’s Ping Pong Match on Independent Contractor Rule Is Distraction From Enhancing IC Compliance: January 2025 IC...

Troutman Pepper Locke on

Few federal regulations over the past five years have produced more needless concern by stakeholders than the independent contractor rules under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) issued by the different...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Uncertainty for Federal Contractors: Circuits Split as Fifth Circuit Upholds Minimum Wage Mandate

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has reversed a Texas federal court’s decision that invalidated President Joe Biden’s executive order increasing the hourly minimum wage for employees of federal contractors. The...more

Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP

Third Circuit Upholds Verdict Against Home Health Agency Based on Employee Travel Time During Working Day

For most non-exempt employees, the Fair Labor Standards Act considers time spent traveling during the working day to be compensable working time. Last week, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals applied this principle to travel...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Navigating Joint Employment: A Renewed Push to Implement a More Employer-Friendly Standard

Foley & Lardner LLP on

With a Republican-controlled Congress and White House, business lobbyists are seizing the opportunity to push for permanent clarity on the issue of joint employment. The International Franchise Association (IFA) is advocating...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

New York City Requires Employers To Post Lactation Accommodation Policy

New York City employers will be required to physically and electronically post a copy of their written lactation accommodation policy beginning May 8, 2025. This includes a requirement to post the policy in an area accessible...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Trump Department of Labor Signals Likely Retreat from Biden Era Independent Contractor Classification Rule

Foley & Lardner LLP on

We’ve written before about the “tennis match” that describes how, with changes in presidential parties, the Department of Labor (DOL) has proposed different tests to determine whether workers are “employees” covered by the...more

Venable LLP

Third Circuit to Employers: Beware this 22 Million Dollar Mistake

Venable LLP on

The Department of Labor (DOL) recently brought suit against East Pennsylvania Manufacturing (East Penn) under the Fair Labor Standard Acts (FLSA) for allegedly failing to pay thousands of employees for time they spent...more

Vedder Price

DOL Provides Further FLSA Guidance Regarding Manager and Supervisor Participation in Tip Pools

Vedder Price on

On January 14, 2025, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued another opinion letter (FLSA2025-1) reiterating its position that managers and supervisors are prohibited from participating in a tip pool under any circumstance....more

Epstein Becker & Green

Time is Money: A Quick Wage-Hour Tip on … DOL Confirms Managers Are Blocked from Tip Pool Even When Working in Non-Supervisory...

Epstein Becker & Green on

Section 3(m)(2)(B) of the FLSA prohibits employers, including managers or supervisors, from keeping any portion of an employee’s tips. Accordingly, the law has been clear that a manager or supervisor cannot participate in a...more

Tucker Arensberg, P.C.

U.S. Supreme Court Clarifies Lower Burden for Employer to Prove FLSA Overtime Exemption

Tucker Arensberg, P.C. on

The Supreme Court recently clarified that an employer seeking to prove an exemption from overtime requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) must meet the “preponderance of the evidence” standard, and not the...more

Ballard Spahr LLP

Trump Administration Retreats from Defense of Two Biden-Era Lawsuits

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In the ongoing battle over labor policy, the Trump administration has signaled plans to abandon or at least revise its defense of two Biden-Era lawsuits and their underlying initiatives. ...more

Jackson Lewis P.C.

Trump DOL Signals a Back-off from Defending Independent Contractor Rule

Jackson Lewis P.C. on

The Trump Administration has asked the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit to postpone oral argument in a lawsuit challenging President Joe Biden’s 2024 independent contractor rule. The U.S. Department of Justice...more

Holland & Hart LLP

Supreme Court Clarifies Burden of Proof for Employers in FLSA Exemption Cases

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Employers facing lawsuits or government investigations under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must demonstrate that certain employees are exempt from the law’s requirements for minimum wage and overtime pay....more

Dechert LLP

Supreme Court Unanimously Rejects Stricter Standards for Minimum Wage and Overtime Exemptions

Dechert LLP on

The United States Supreme Court held that employers seeking to prove an employee is exempt from minimum wage and overtime pay provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act must only satisfy a preponderance of the evidence...more


Illinois One Day Rest in Seven Act and Meal Break Law: How Employers Can Protect Themselves

FordHarrison on

Real World Impact: A recent increase in complaints under the Illinois One Day Rest in Seven Act (ODRISA) highlights the necessity for Illinois employers to be familiar with the requirements of this law....more

Robinson Bradshaw

SCOTUS Rejects Heightened Evidentiary Standard for FLSA Exemption Claims in Fourth Circuit

Robinson Bradshaw on

On Jan. 15, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in E.M.D. Sales, Inc. v. Carrera, firmly indicating that employers must establish by a “preponderance of the evidence” that an employee is exempt from the Fair...more

Foley & Lardner LLP

Noncompete Agreements: Updated Income Thresholds for 2025

Foley & Lardner LLP on

As our readers know, in 2024 the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) proposed regulation to eliminate almost all noncompete agreements did not come to fruition — at least for now. As we reported earlier this month, however, the...more

Miles & Stockbridge P.C.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Heightened Standard for Proving FLSA Exemptions

Employers are breathing a sigh of relief after the U.S. Supreme Court last week unanimously confirmed the application of a “preponderance of the evidence” standard to an employer’s burden of proof when it seeks to establish...more

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