JONES DAY TALKS®: Derivatives Market Volatility Brings New Concerns and More Regulatory Scrutiny
JONES DAY TALKS®: Carbon Markets are Booming, and Regulators are Watching
JONES DAY TALKS®: Energy Derivatives and Regulatory Enforcement by the CFTC and FERC
JONES DAY TALKS®: CFTC and DOJ Target Derivatives Trading Across Industries
WORD OF THE DAY® for Hedge Funds – Derivative
Cross-Border Regulation of Swaps Update from ISDA's Robert Pickel (Part 1)
A Look at Forensic Accounting and Financial Fraud
Regulation 2013: Dodd-Frank Position Limits, CFTC Reuthorization, Regulatory Harmonization
As you know from our prior alerts, creditors of borrowers formed as Delaware LLCs (as opposed to corporations) lack standing under Delaware law to sue directors for breaching fiduciary duties even when, to the surprise of...more