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Disclosure Requirements Foreign Bank Account Report Cryptocurrency

Allen Barron, Inc.

How Does the IRS Define Willfulness in Unreported or Under-reported Offshore Income

Allen Barron, Inc. on

How does the IRS define willfulness in unreported or under-reported offshore income?  What actions help determine whether a U.S. taxpayer's actions amount to "willful or non-willful" conduct?  Why should U.S. taxpayers be...more

Allen Barron, Inc.

What Happens If You Don't File an FBAR

Allen Barron, Inc. on

It is common for a US taxpayer to ask “what happens if you don’t file an FBAR or a Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Assets with the IRS? Why do I have to worry about filing an FBAR in San Diego or anywhere in the US,...more

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