News & Analysis as of

Discrimination Required Documentation Employer Liability Issues

Discrimination is prejudicial treatment related to (or inappropriate consideration of) an individual's actual or perceived membership in a particular class, group or category, such as an individual's... more +
Discrimination is prejudicial treatment related to (or inappropriate consideration of) an individual's actual or perceived membership in a particular class, group or category, such as an individual's race, religion, gender, age, to name a few.  less -
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP

Freeing the Well-Being: Mental Health Accommodations in the Workplace

Does it seem like you are dealing with more mental health issues in your workforce? If so, you are not alone. Recent mental health claim statistics show an alarming increase in chronic illnesses since the pandemic. For adults...more

Fox Rothschild LLP

Paid Time Off For Getting The Vaccine: States Are Moving Towards That.

Fox Rothschild LLP on

I have been asked many times by clients if they need to give employees paid time off in order to get the vaccine. I tell them (in New Jersey) that they are not compelled to do so, but it is a good idea. Some States have...more

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