News & Analysis as of

Dissolution Partnerships

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Help Comes From an Unexpected Place in LLC Deadlock Dissolution: The Third Department

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Join me if you know this refrain: In New York, deadlock is not an independent ground for LLC dissolution. But… Almost exactly two years ago from today, Peter Mahler published a post titled: “Has the Time Come for...more


What are Jersey Separate Limited Partnerships and Incorporated Limited Partnerships

Walkers on

Introduction of separate limited partnerships. Introduction of incorporated limited partnerships....more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Recent Appellate Rulings Address Novel Issues in General Partnership Disputes

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

The era of the old-fashioned general partnership long ago petered out, largely displaced by subchapter S corporations and, in the last few decades, limited liability companies, both of which allow pass-through taxation...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Special Considerations for Law Firm Breakups

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Just a few weeks ago, I commented on a recent uptick in disputes centered on the breakup of professional services firms. In those disputes, we expect that the demands of the legal, accounting, and medical professions draw...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

A Lifeline for the Stale “Schedule A”

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

One need not peruse the pages of this blog for long to learn that its authors strongly advise against entering into an owners’ agreement that calls on the members to “annually” (or worse, “regularly”) update a critical aspect...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

A General Partnership in Perpetual Enmity

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

With the growing prevalence of limited liability companies, notable general partnership decisions become fewer and further between with each passing year....more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Clash of Valuation Visions: Appraisal Proceeding Over Manhattan Eyeglass Shop Goes the Distance

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

The authors of this blog have a special affinity for fair value appraisal proceedings.  The narrow hearings—where the sole issue before the court is the fair value of an owner’s interest in a business—require attorneys and...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Recent Decisions Enforce LLC Member’s Right of First Refusal, Restrict Partnership Accounting, and Allow Damages Claim for Breach...

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Someday, perhaps, I’ll find the comedic inspiration to come up with a joke that begins, “An LLC, a partnership, and a close corporation walk into a bar . . ..” Until then, I’ll have to satisfy myself with writing about an...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

The Doctrine of Tax Estoppel in Ownership Status Disputes

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Ownership status in a closely-held business is the first and most vital box almost every business divorce petitioner must check....more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

A Partnership Dissolution in Three Acts Over Fifteen Years and Counting

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

With apologies to the King James Bible, what the Manhattan real estate market giveth, a poorly conceived partnership agreement taketh away. It’s the best explanation I can offer for three successive lawsuits lasting almost...more

Morris James LLP

Delaware Supreme Court Finds Limited Liability Partnership Agreement Chose the “Aggregate Model” and Partner Withdrawal Caused...

Morris James LLP on

United States v. Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, No. 256, 2019 (Del. Mar. 17, 2020). In this case, the Delaware Supreme Court answered three certified questions from the United States Third Circuit Court of Appeals concerning...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

Death of Limited Partner Disarms Derivative Action

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

I’ve yet to see him make a court appearance, and hope I never do, but the Grim Reaper sure has a knack for disrupting business divorce litigation involving LLCs and limited partnerships....more

Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP

Appellate Division Holds that Arbitrator Has Power to Dissolve Partnership

In Matter of Capital Enterprises Co. v. Dworman, the Appellate Division, the First Department held that an arbitrator has broad discretion to order the dissolution of a New York general partnership, so long as the issue of...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

New York’s High Court Takes Fresh Approach to Wrongful Dissolution, Sustains Valuation Discounts, Limits Damages in Partnership...

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

There’s a lot to digest in last week’s decision by the Court of Appeals — New York’s highest court — affirming and modifying in part the intermediate appellate court’s ruling in Congel v Malfitano, a “wrongful dissolution”...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

It’s a Partnership! No, It’s an LLC! No, It’s Both!

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

In 1981, three partners formed a general partnership to own and operate a rental property. Their partnership agreement fixed a 30-year term, to 2011. In 2003, the partners formed a new LLC maintaining the same ownership...more

Allen Matkins

Partnership Dissolution And A Chief Judge’s Lament

Allen Matkins on

Decisions by U.S. District Court judges typically begin with an identification of the parties, an explanation of the procedural posture of the case, or a description of the dispute. Chief Judge Lawrence J. O’Neill, however,...more

Farrell Fritz, P.C.

A Pair of Unbrotherly Business Altercations Go to Trial

Farrell Fritz, P.C. on

Like most civil cases, the vast majority of business divorce disputes get resolved before trial, which is disappointing for us voyeurs since only at trial with live witnesses undergoing cross examination does one get the full...more

Holland & Knight LLP

50/50 Ownership Relationships can be Trouble, Plan Ahead

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Case Study: Trans Perfect Global, Inc. Philip Shawe v. Elizabeth Elting, Delaware Supreme Court, February 13, 2017 - TransPerfect is a successful global translation business founded by two college friends, Philip...more

Snell & Wilmer

The Expansive Breadth and Scope of Arizona’s New Revised Uniform Arbitration Act

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Recently, the Arizona Court of Appeals determined that under the 2010 Arizona Revised Uniform Arbitration Act, A.R.S. §12-3001, et seq. (the AZ-RUAA), a contractual agreement to arbitrate extends to: (i) arbitration of claims...more

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