Podcast — Drug Pricing: 2025 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Takeaways and Outlook
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 220: Healthcare Regulation Under the Trump Administration with Bob Coble of Maynard Nexsen
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Might the Trump Administration Transform FDA Enforcement Activities?
Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 216: Patient Advocacy and Healthcare Policy Change with Melissa Horn of the Arthritis Foundation
Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The PBM Landscape Explained
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Are Payers Responding to the IRA?
340B Drug Pricing Program Compliance
Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now? – Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What’s Next? - Diagnosing Health Care
Podcast: Chevron Deference: Is It Time for Change? - Diagnosing Health Care
Part Two: The MFN Drug Pricing Rule and the Rebate Rule: Where Do We Go From Here?
Part One: Two new Medicare Drug Pricing Rules in One Day: What are the MFN and the Rebate Drug Pricing Rules?
On the Ballot 2020: Health Care Policy Outlook - Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Drug Pricing Initiatives During the Trump Presidency
K&L Gates Triage: An Insider’s Perspective on the Health Care Debate in Washington, DC
The Biden administration appears steadfast in its efforts to lower prescription drug costs and continues to explore multiple avenues — even as the Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program continues to move forward — to tackle...more
The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took the next step in its long-standing effort to encourage lower prices and increase competition in the pharmaceutical industry. As part of the Biden administration’s whole government...more
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released for public comment a “Draft Interagency Guidance Framework for Considering the Exercise of March In-Rights” (“March-In Framework”) on December 8, 2023...more
The Biden-Harris Administration recently announced various actions to lower healthcare and prescription drug costs. In one action, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released in December 2023 a draft...more
Under the University and Small Business Patent Procedures Act of 1980 (35 U.S.C. §§ 200-212), commonly referred to as the Bayh-Dole Act, the federal government can exercise “march-in” authority in certain circumstances to...more
The Biden Administration recently announced a plan to leverage an old tool in a new way to try to reduce drug costs: exercising “march-in rights” under the Bayh-Dole Act for drugs that were supported by government funding. ...more
Presented as part of its effort to lower what it views as excessive prices for prescription drugs, the Biden administration on December 7, 2023, announced the release of a proposed framework to expand the use of government...more
December 7, 2023, President Biden announced new actions to promote competition in health care and to lower prescription drug costs. Of particular note is a newly unveiled framework for deciding whether the Government may...more
On December 7, the White House announced “New Actions to Lower Health Care and Prescription Drug Costs by Promoting Competition,” which included “a proposed framework for agencies on the exercise of march-in rights on...more
Following years of discussion and pressure being applied by certain policymakers (including Senate HELP Committee Chair Bernie Sanders), the Biden Administration announced that a framework is being put forward by HHS and the...more