News & Analysis as of

Drug Pricing Final Rules


Mintz IRA Update — Operationalizing the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan and Medicare Inflation Rebate Program

Mintz on

In addition to the Part D Benefit Redesign, the IRA’s Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP) went into effect beginning January 1, 2025. The MPPP requires Part D Sponsors (PDPs) to allow Part D beneficiaries to pay for...more

King & Spalding

The Trifecta: What to Expect from a Second Trump Administration and a Republican Congress

King & Spalding on

Republicans have swept the 2024 elections, returning Donald Trump to the White House as the 47th President and flipping the Senate to a Republican majority. Having narrowly maintained control of the House of Representatives,...more

Latham & Watkins LLP

Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?

Latham & Watkins LLP on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently published its final rule to implement the Medicaid Services Investment and Accountability Act of 2019 (MSIAA). The final rule significantly deviates from the...more

Alston & Bird

Health Care Week in Review: CMS Releases PFS, OPPS, ESRD, and Home Health Final Rules; Senators Cassidy and Hassan Release a...

Alston & Bird on

Below is Alston & Bird’s Health Care Week in Review, which provides a synopsis of the latest news in health care regulations, notices, and guidance; federal legislation and congressional committee action; reports, studies,...more

Holland & Knight LLP

CMS Releases Final Rule on the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program

Holland & Knight LLP on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on Sept. 20, 2024, released the Misclassification of Drugs, Program Administration and Program Integrity Updates Under the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program (CMS-2434) Final Rule....more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - July 2024 #2

This Week in Washington: House Appropriations Committee marks up FY2025 Labor-HHS-Education and the Agriculture- FDA and Related Agencies funding bills; Senate Appropriations Committee marks up FY2025 Agriculture-FDA and...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - June 2024 #3

This Week in Washington: CBO releases analysis of health insurance rates; Senate Finance Committee Chairman releases draft legislation concerning labor and delivery unit closures; House Oversight and Accountability Committee...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - May 2024

This Week in Washington: Senate Finance Committee releases discussion draft concerning generic drug shortages; FDA releases laboratory-developed tests final rule; Administration extends ACA subsidies for Deferred Action for...more

Quarles & Brady LLP

HHS’ Long-Awaited 340B Alternative Dispute Resolution Rule Is Finalized

Quarles & Brady LLP on

In a move long anticipated by 340B Program participants, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published its finalized 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution (ADR) rule, establishing formal processes for...more

McDermott Will & Emery

HHS Issues 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution Final Rule

McDermott Will & Emery on

On April 18, 2024, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) issued the long-awaited 340B Administrative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Final Rule. The final rule...more

Hogan Lovells

HRSA Issues 340B Program final rule modifying administrative dispute resolution process

Hogan Lovells on

On April 19, 2024, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) published a final rule (Final Rule) in the Federal Register adopting several changes to the current administrative dispute resolution (ADR) process...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - February 2024

This Week in Washington: CMS releases 2025 MA and Part D proposed payment Advance Notice; CMS sends first fair drug price offers to Drug Price Negotiation Program companies; SAMHSA releases final rule making virtual...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - December 2023 #3

McGuireWoods Consulting on

This Week in Washington: House passes Lower Costs, More Transparency Act and SUPPORT Act Reauthorization; Senate HELP Committee reports SUPPORT Act Reauthorization and three other bills out of committee; ONC releases final...more

Holland & Knight LLP

CMS Issues Final Rule Remedying Underpayments to 340B Covered Entities

Holland & Knight LLP on

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released a final rule on Nov. 2, 2023, detailing how the agency will remedy underpayments from 2018 to 2022 for drugs acquired via the 340B Drug Pricing Program. The final...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - November 2023

This Week in Washington: Senate Finance Committee releases discussion draft for Nov. 8 markup; White House issues executive order on AI; House passes two appropriations bills; Senate passes minibus....more


Policy Update - CMS Finalizes Remedy for 340B-Acquired Drugs Purchased in CYs 2018–2022

McDermott+ on

On November 2, 2023, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized the rule Medicare Program; Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System: Remedy for the Calendar Years 2018–2022 to addresses how the...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - July 2023 #2

This Week in Washington: House Energy and Commerce Committee marks up 15 healthcare bills; Senate HELP Committee to hold mark up on primary care bill; CMS concerned over procedural Medicaid coverage terminations...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - June 2023 #4

This Week in Washington: Senate Appropriations Committee meets to figure out top-line numbers; Majority Leader Schumer leads Senate in developing a policy response to artificial intelligence; and CMS proposes new Medicare...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - June 2023 #3

This Week in Washington: FDA funding bill passes House Appropriations Committee, MedPAC and MacPAC release June 2023 report to Congress, RSC budget blueprint brings back premium support concept for Medicare...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - June 2023 #2

This Week in Washington: Fallout from debt ceiling holds up House floor action; SCOTUS rules to allow patients to sue nursing homes...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - May 2023 #3

This Week in Washington: President and Speaker McCarthy to meet on debt limit with 10 days to go, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health marks up 17 bills, House Appropriations Committee begins moving appropriation...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - April 2023 #3

This Week in Washington: House Republicans release debt ceiling plan, Speaker McCarthy moves forward with proposal that includes Medicaid work requirements...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - April 2023 #2

This Week in Washington: CMS Releases Annual Payment Rules for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Hospice and Other Segments of Medicare...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - March 2023 #4

This Week in Washington: HHS Secretary appears before Senate Finance and Senate Appropriations Committees...more

McGuireWoods Consulting

Washington Healthcare Update - March 2023 #3

This Week in Washington: CMS releases first list of Inflation Rebate Program drugs, initial guidance on Medicare Drug Negotiation Program...more

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