Podcast — Drug Pricing: 2025 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Takeaways and Outlook
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 220: Healthcare Regulation Under the Trump Administration with Bob Coble of Maynard Nexsen
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Might the Trump Administration Transform FDA Enforcement Activities?
Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 216: Patient Advocacy and Healthcare Policy Change with Melissa Horn of the Arthritis Foundation
Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The PBM Landscape Explained
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Are Payers Responding to the IRA?
340B Drug Pricing Program Compliance
Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now? – Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What’s Next? - Diagnosing Health Care
Podcast: Chevron Deference: Is It Time for Change? - Diagnosing Health Care
Part Two: The MFN Drug Pricing Rule and the Rebate Rule: Where Do We Go From Here?
Part One: Two new Medicare Drug Pricing Rules in One Day: What are the MFN and the Rebate Drug Pricing Rules?
On the Ballot 2020: Health Care Policy Outlook - Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Drug Pricing Initiatives During the Trump Presidency
K&L Gates Triage: An Insider’s Perspective on the Health Care Debate in Washington, DC
DTC Telehealth Platforms - Arrangements involving telemedicine and direct-to-consumer (“DTC”) business services are expected to be a source of major regulatory scrutiny. In 2024, such arrangements were the focus of proposed...more
We are pleased to present our annual End of Year Plan Sponsor “To Do” Lists. This year, we present our “To Do” Lists in four separate SW Benefits Updates. This Part 1 covers year-end health and welfare plan issues. Parts 2,...more
Holland & Knight Health Dose is an in-depth weekly dose of legislative and regulatory insights to keep stakeholders abreast of happenings in Washington, D.C., impacting the health sector....more
We are pleased to present our annual End of Year Plan Sponsor “To Do” Lists. This year, we present our “To Do” Lists in four separate Employee Benefits Updates. This Part 1 covers year-end health and welfare plan issues....more
This Week in Washington: House assigns members to committees and finalizes committee chairmanships...more
Many pharmaceutical manufacturers currently require 340B covered entities to provide de-identified pharmacy claims data for dispensed 340B drugs to a third party, 340B ESP, as a condition of receiving discounts under the 340B...more
As Congress reconvenes, it faces a packed agenda in a legislative year that will be shortened by the upcoming midterm elections and remains buffeted by the persistent coronavirus pandemic. The list of healthcare priorities is...more
Over the past month or so, our Health Care Team has published a number of posts examining important developments and trends in health law and policy during 2019, as well as providing some thoughts on what we expect to see in...more
In 2019, U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) enforcement activity targeting drug and device manufacturers jumped sharply over the prior year, reflecting an increased focus on fraud and abuse in the life sciences sector. More...more
On October 22, 2019, Skadden hosted our Ninth Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Enforcement and Litigation Seminar in New York, which focused on U.S. enforcement issues companies face throughout the industry. The key...more
This week in Washington: House to hold a markup of five healthcare bills, as well as a hearing to seek clarity on the Trump administration's health care policy choices; Senate to discuss solutions to the substance misuse...more
This week in Washington: The House and Senate are in recess. Congress House Senate Administration Proposed Regulations/Guidance Final Rules/Guidance Reports House Bipartisan Legislation Introduced on Accurate Provider...more
On May 23, 2019, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Patty Murray (D-WA) released the Lower Health Care Costs Act of 2019 – bipartisan draft legislation to reduce...more
Coming Week’s Highlights: Congress will continue to examine drug pricing; on Tuesday, the Senate Finance Committee will hold the third in a series of hearings, this one focused on pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). The House...more
Upcoming Hearings - Tuesday, March 5, 2019 - Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP): “Vaccines Save Lives: What is Driving Preventable Disease Outbreaks?” - The Senate Committee on Health,...more
As K&L Gates begins its third season of Triage: Rapid Legal Lessons for Busy Health Care Professionals, Hilary Bowman previews several topics that the health care practice group anticipates will have a significant impact on...more
On October 30, 2018, Skadden hosted its Eighth Annual Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Enforcement and Litigation Seminar in New York City, which focused on U.S. enforcement issues faced by companies throughout the industry....more
Earlier this month, on May 7, 2018, the Senate passed bipartisan S.B. 1732, entitled the “Improving Access to Behavioral Health Information Technology Act.” The bill, which is currently in the House of Representatives, aims...more
Foley & Lardner LLP’s (“Foley”) Bipartisan Public Policy Team is pleased to share our second “Public Policy Weekly* Health Care Newsletter” in which we compile the latest health care policy news and legislation. Please...more
On March 15, 2018, Skadden hosted its Eighth Annual Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology and Medical Device Seminar in Palo Alto, California, which focused on U.S. enforcement issues faced by companies throughout the industry. The...more
We expect 2018 to be another year of rapid change within the health care industry. In this episode, Mary Beth Johnston highlights some of the key topics that the health care practice group will monitor in the coming year,...more
Arnall Golden Gregory LLP's Food and Drug Newsletter is a monthly update of legal and regulatory issues that affect the FDA-regulated community, including regular updates on legislative initiatives from AGG’s Washington, DC...more
HHS recently announced delays to several rules and policies related to the 340B Drug Pricing Program. Policies postponed for later publication include the final 340B Omnibus Guidance, the Civil Monetary Penalties and Ceiling...more
McCarter & English, LLP’s Health Care Group presents Issue 7 of the Health Law Insights, which discusses the latest legal issues in the health care industry. NATIONAL - Providers’ Obligation to Report Medicare...more