Podcast — Drug Pricing: 2025 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Takeaways and Outlook
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 220: Healthcare Regulation Under the Trump Administration with Bob Coble of Maynard Nexsen
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Might the Trump Administration Transform FDA Enforcement Activities?
Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 216: Patient Advocacy and Healthcare Policy Change with Melissa Horn of the Arthritis Foundation
Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The PBM Landscape Explained
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Are Payers Responding to the IRA?
340B Drug Pricing Program Compliance
Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now? – Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What’s Next? - Diagnosing Health Care
Podcast: Chevron Deference: Is It Time for Change? - Diagnosing Health Care
Part Two: The MFN Drug Pricing Rule and the Rebate Rule: Where Do We Go From Here?
Part One: Two new Medicare Drug Pricing Rules in One Day: What are the MFN and the Rebate Drug Pricing Rules?
On the Ballot 2020: Health Care Policy Outlook - Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Drug Pricing Initiatives During the Trump Presidency
K&L Gates Triage: An Insider’s Perspective on the Health Care Debate in Washington, DC
On January 10, 2025, OIG posted a favorable advisory opinion approving a proposed program (Program) to provide patients who meet certain financial need criteria with free access to a pharmaceutical product that has limited...more
The Cozen Lens - While it’s becoming ever clearer Vice President Harris is likely to be the Democratic nominee following President Biden’s decision to step aside, it’s less clear what the impact will be on the presidential...more
The U.S. health insurance provider Cigna has provided a financial incentive to patients who switch to an infliximab biosimilar, through a one-time $500 debit card for health care services and products called the “Shared...more
In a significant step towards implementing its American Patients First blueprint for lowering prescription drug prices and patient out-of-pocket costs, the Trump administration has proposed a series of changes to the...more
In October 2018, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) issued an interesting Environmental Scan on International Policies on the Appropriate Use of Biosimilar Drugs (Report). This Report outlines...more
Our local pharmaceutical environment is highly regulated.The most important legislative provisions are found in the Medicines Act and the Pharmacy Act....more
On Feb. 9, 2018, the Trump Administration released a 30-page report analyzing domestic and global factors influencing drug pricing. The report by the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) is expected to inform the HHS' Fiscal...more