News & Analysis as of

Drug Pricing Patent Trial and Appeal Board Biosimilars

Venable LLP

Venable’s BiologicsHQ Monthly Injection - December 2024

Venable LLP on

Welcome to Venable’s BiologicsHQ Monthly Injection - December 2024....more

McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP

USPTO Unveils Examiner Guidance on Searching Drug-related Applications

Last November, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued Guidance to the Examiner Corps that was disclosed to the public at the March 19, 2024 Biotechnology, Chemical, and Pharmaceutical Partnership Meeting, on resources to...more

Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider LLP

Will the PTO's Proposed Expansion of Filing Settlement Agreements Help to Reduce Drug Prices?

In a recent Federal Register notice, the PTO announced a proposed rule requiring that any settlement agreement resolving a PTAB proceeding, even if such agreement occurs prior to a decision to institute an inter partes review...more


USPTO Publishes Notice Calling Out Pharmaceutical Industry

Goodwin on

President Biden’s Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, 86 FR 36987 (2021), expressed concerns about the patent system being misused to unnecessarily inhibit or delay entry of generic drugs or...more

Fish & Richardson

Biosimilars 2021 Year in Review

Fish & Richardson on

2021 saw several important milestones in the biosimilars space, including the much anticipated first interchangeable designations by FDA and the approval of the first ophthalmology biosimilar. The biosimilar market also...more

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