Podcast — Drug Pricing: 2025 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Takeaways and Outlook
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 220: Healthcare Regulation Under the Trump Administration with Bob Coble of Maynard Nexsen
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Might the Trump Administration Transform FDA Enforcement Activities?
Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 216: Patient Advocacy and Healthcare Policy Change with Melissa Horn of the Arthritis Foundation
Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The PBM Landscape Explained
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Are Payers Responding to the IRA?
340B Drug Pricing Program Compliance
Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now? – Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What’s Next? - Diagnosing Health Care
Podcast: Chevron Deference: Is It Time for Change? - Diagnosing Health Care
Part Two: The MFN Drug Pricing Rule and the Rebate Rule: Where Do We Go From Here?
Part One: Two new Medicare Drug Pricing Rules in One Day: What are the MFN and the Rebate Drug Pricing Rules?
On the Ballot 2020: Health Care Policy Outlook - Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Drug Pricing Initiatives During the Trump Presidency
K&L Gates Triage: An Insider’s Perspective on the Health Care Debate in Washington, DC
Mintz’s Pharmacy Benefits and PBM Contracting Practice is pleased to present the ‘Fourth Edition: Q1 2025’ of our Mintz IRA Update, a regular publication that delves into developments of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022...more
2024 was eventful in the life sciences space – and key trends are expected to continue in the new year. ...more
On Dec 24, 2024, Bio-Thera Solutions Inc. announced that it has partnered with Tabuk Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company to commercialize BAT2206, a proposed ustekinumab biosimilar to Jansen’s STELARA, in Saudi Arabia....more
As former President Donald Trump has clinched a second term with a victory, his health care priorities will differ somewhat from his first term, which focused heavily on repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA)....more
FTC’s challenge is the culmination of years of investigation, but choice of venue and theories of harm reveal potential weaknesses....more
Mintz’s PBM practice is pleased to present a 2024 year-to-date PBM Policy and Legislative Update. This edition builds upon prior issues and summarizes activity from January through June that impacts the PBM industry. It...more
Every year, the New Jersey legislature passes statutes that impact healthcare beyond rate increases under the Medicaid program. Last year was no different, and the discussion below highlights some of those statutes, such as...more
We Americans pay more for prescription medications than just about anywhere else on the globe. And Big Pharma keeps jacking prices higher....more
This is the sixth in our 2024 Year in Preview series examining important trends in white collar law and investigations in the coming year. We will be posting further installments in the series throughout the next several...more
On Jan. 5, the FDA authorized Florida’s Section 804 Implementation program (SIP), making Florida the first state to secure such approval. Generally, there are three pathways to importing a prescription drug into the United...more
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) continues to take steps implementing the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). Newly revised guidance issued on December 14, 2023, makes notable changes and clarifications...more
The price of prescription drugs has brought scrutiny to the entire drug supply chain. Congress and other policymakers continue to seek opportunities to lower costs for patients and the federal government. Pharmacy benefit...more
340B PROGRAM - Further State Legislation Seeks to Regulate PBMs in Relation to 340B: Florida, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, and New Hampshire recently introduced legislation aiming to regulate pharmacy benefit managers...more
On June 8, 2021, four Executive Branch Departments issued reports mandated by President Biden’s February 24, 2021 Executive Order on America’s Supply Chains (the “America’s Supply Chains E.O.” or the “E.O.”). The E.O....more
Life Sciences and Health Care Horizons virtual event series - The fast pace of innovation in the life sciences and health care industry has reached an all-time high in 2020 as the industry grapples with the new reality of...more
Unlike much of the world, the U.S. has not turned the corner on the coronavirus outbreak. But you wouldn’t know it by looking at the markets. On Tuesday, the S&P 500 topped out at its highest level ever, “capping a remarkable...more
With proposed federal legislation on pause, state legislatures continue to target the pricing of pharmaceuticals, passing a number of new laws in 2020. As complexity at the state level continues to increase, pharmaceutical...more
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every industry, causing global economic changes and, consequently, extensive legislative amendments. There are no doubts that the pharmaceutical industry is the most affected. Since the...more
We are pleased to provide you with the third annual installment of our Life Sciences and Health Care Horizons guide. For each of these guides, we have asked our industry thought leaders throughout the world to write about...more
A mounting death toll (over 106 and counting) and fears of a coronavirus pandemic sent markets tumbling early on Monday and kicked off a selloff that continued all day....more
In late December 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an agency operating within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), issued two documents—a Proposed Rule and a Draft Guidance—intended to establish two...more
At the end of July 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) jointly published the Safe Importation Action Plan, which outlined the Trump Administration’s two-part...more
Over a year ago, HHS Secretary Alex Azar requested that FDA establish a working group to explore how drug importation “could help address price hikes and supply disruptions.” The FDA working group was not assigned the task of...more
Legislation - Biologics: Senate Health Committee Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Lower Health Care Costs - During the last week of June, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee approved...more
The Trump Administration has put out its latest prescription to try to slash out-of-control prescription drug prices: Officials want to call medication “rebates” what they say they’ve really become — “kickbacks” — and crack...more