Podcast — Drug Pricing: 2025 J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference Takeaways and Outlook
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 220: Healthcare Regulation Under the Trump Administration with Bob Coble of Maynard Nexsen
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Might the Trump Administration Transform FDA Enforcement Activities?
Podcast — Drug Pricing: What’s in the New CMS Medicaid Final Rule?
12 Days of Regulatory Insights: Day 3 - State AG Oversight in the Health Care Industry — Regulatory Oversight Podcast
Taking the Pulse, A Health Care and Life Sciences Video Podcast | Episode 216: Patient Advocacy and Healthcare Policy Change with Melissa Horn of the Arthritis Foundation
Podcast — Drug Pricing: Takeaways From the Chicago Medicaid Drug Rebate Program Summit
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How the Demise of Chevron Deference and Other Litigation May Impact the Pharmaceutical Industry
Understanding Pharmacy Benefit Managers: The PBM Landscape Explained
Podcast — Drug Pricing: How Are Payers Responding to the IRA?
340B Drug Pricing Program Compliance
Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What Now? – Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: Inflation Reduction Act’s Drug Price Negotiation Provisions – What’s Next? - Diagnosing Health Care
Podcast: Chevron Deference: Is It Time for Change? - Diagnosing Health Care
Part Two: The MFN Drug Pricing Rule and the Rebate Rule: Where Do We Go From Here?
Part One: Two new Medicare Drug Pricing Rules in One Day: What are the MFN and the Rebate Drug Pricing Rules?
On the Ballot 2020: Health Care Policy Outlook - Diagnosing Health Care Podcast
Podcast: IP(DC): Drug Prices, Political Pressures & Patents
Drug Pricing Initiatives During the Trump Presidency
K&L Gates Triage: An Insider’s Perspective on the Health Care Debate in Washington, DC
On the heels of a nationwide push to regulate pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), Massachusetts enacted a landmark piece of legislation to increase transparency and oversight within the pharmaceutical supply chain, specifically...more
Each week while Congress is in session, our Policy team delivers a key update to highlight a topical benefits, health, or retirement news item from the Hill, such as a newly introduced bill, a summary of a committee hearing,...more
Republicans have swept the 2024 elections, returning Donald Trump to the White House as the 47th President and flipping the Senate to a Republican majority. Having narrowly maintained control of the House of Representatives,...more
The 2024 election results will create significant tailwinds for Republican legislative and regulatory priorities in US Congress, federal agencies, and state houses across the country. This On the Subject considers the outlook...more
Mintz’s PBM practice is pleased to present its quarterly publication, PBM Policy and Legislative Update. This edition builds upon prior issues and summarizes activity from July through September that affects the PBM industry....more
We are pleased to present our annual End of Year Plan Sponsor “To Do” Lists. This year, we present our “To Do” Lists in four separate SW Benefits Updates. This Part 1 covers year-end health and welfare plan issues. Parts 2,...more
New Jersey AG Matthew Platkin announced the adoption of new rules designed to promote greater transparency in prescription drug pricing. The new rules implement recently enacted legislation intended to control prescription...more
Mintz’s PBM practice is pleased to present a 2024 year-to-date PBM Policy and Legislative Update. This edition builds upon prior issues and summarizes activity from January through June that impacts the PBM industry. It...more
Here are curated AG and federal regulatory news stories highlighting key areas in which state and federal regulators’ decisions are having an impact across the US: •Gasoline Trading Firms to Pay $50 Million to Settle...more
A group of 21 Democratic AGs filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit supporting Oregon in its defense of H.B. 4005, which requires pharmaceutical manufacturers to report certain information...more
Legislation aiming to reform the regulation of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) remains on the horizon on both the federal and state levels. In particular, 2023 was a fertile year for PBM legislative initiatives....more
As mentioned in our recent blog post, the recently filed class action lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson (Lewandowski v. Johnson & Johnson et. al., D.N.J., No. 1:24-cv-00671 (Feb. 5, 2024)) over alleged excessive prescription...more
Over the past several years, legislators across the country have focused their attention on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) due to concerns expressed over a variety of industry practices. To date, there has been legislation...more
Effective April 1, 2024, California will expand its existing prescription drug price transparency requirements by enacting legislation to amend and clarify requirements on wholesale acquisition cost increase reporting and...more
On February 16, the U. S. District Court for the District of Oregon struck down the state’s drug price transparency law—The Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act (the “Act”)—ruling that the Act’s annual price increase...more
Earlier this month, the US District Court for the District of Oregon issued a declaratory judgment invalidating a key component of the Oregon Drug Price Transparency Program. The Oregon Drug Price Transparency Program was...more
Health Care was a hot topic in the U.S. Senate on February 8, as two important Senate Committees – the Committee on Finance and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) – held hearings, respectively, on...more
Holland & Knight Health Dose is an in-depth weekly dose of legislative and regulatory insights to keep stakeholders abreast of happenings in Washington, D.C., impacting the health sector....more
The Lower Costs More Transparency Act of 2023, passed by the House 320-71 on Monday, December 11, 2023, would institute new transparency and pricing rules on pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and hospitals. The bill would...more
In October 2021, we reported on an uptick in the passage of state drug price transparency legislation. As an update to that report, as of October 2023, approximately 22 states have now passed drug price transparency laws...more
We are pleased to present our annual End of Year Plan Sponsor “To Do” Lists. This year, we present our “To Do” Lists in four separate Employee Benefits Updates. This Part 1 covers year-end health and welfare plan issues....more
In the 118th Congress, the US House of Representatives is keenly interested in healthcare price transparency. Three House committees—Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, and Education and the Workforce—each approved...more
CONGRESS - House Republicans Release Healthcare Package. On September 6, House Republicans unveiled the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act, a draft package of healthcare transparency provisions, pharmacy benefit manager...more
Health care has been one of the most active issue areas in the 118th Congress. The activity by the health committees of jurisdiction in both the House and the Senate has been fueled in part by efforts to reauthorize various...more