The Elimination of the Oklahoma Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare
Did you know that as soon as your child turns 18, you lose automatic access to their health, school, and financial information? When a child turns 18 and becomes a legal adult, it’s a momentous occasion—filled with...more
Now that high school graduation season has passed, parents of college students (or of any child who has turned 18 years old) should encourage their adult children to execute a durable power of attorney, health care proxy and...more
Many people think they don’t need “estate planning” because they don’t have enough assets to generate an estate tax; however, there are four basic estate planning documents everyone should have regardless of net worth. 1....more
There is plenty to be concerned about during the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency, but one topic that individuals and families can think of as a practical outlet for their concerns is estate planning. ...more
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That is a message that we have all been getting as the COVID-19 virus spreads. Don’t panic, cover your cough, stay home when sick, and above all else, wash...more
• Do you care who will receive your assets upon your death? • Do you have a minor child or children and want to have a say in who takes care of them if something happens to you? • Do you care who will take care of you...more