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Ballard Spahr LLP

Arizona Supreme Court Expands Just Compensation Rights in Eminent Domain Case

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In a significant victory for property owners, the Arizona Supreme Court held this week that damages in condemnation cases can include compensation for the reduction in value caused by the proximity of homes to a new highway...more

Ackerman & Ackerman, P.C.

Key Takeaways from ITC Easement Offers in Mid-Michigan Transmission Line Project

The International Transmission Line (“ITC”) and its subsidiary, the Michigan Electric Transmission Company, LLC (“METC”), are currently seeking easements to install new transmission lines as part of their Long-Range...more

Kaufman & Canoles

Title Insurance Client Alert - Virginia Court of Appeals Affirms Injunction to Remove Objects from Granted Easement Area

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Yesterday, the Court of Appeals of Virginia issued a significant opinion in Thibault Enterprises, LLC v. David A. Yost, et al., Yost Living Trust, a case involving a dispute over a 50-foot granted easement for ingress and...more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

National Environmental Policy Act/Nuisance: Federal Appellate Court Addresses Property Owners' Challenge to Oregon Irrigation...

The United States Court of Appeals (“9th Circuit”) addressed in a December 18th memorandum issues arising out of challenges to the Natural Resource Conservation Services (“NRCS”) funding of an irrigation district. See Matthew...more

Patton Sullivan Brodehl LLP

How Far Must the Owner of a Right-of-Way Easement Go to Maintain It?

California law is clear that the owner of a private right-of-way easement has a duty to maintain the easement.  What is less clear is how far that duty to maintain may stretch...more

Williams Mullen

Title Endorsement Basics - November 2024

Williams Mullen on

Title insurance is issued using standardized forms of policies and endorsements. The most commonly used forms for commercial properties are those promulgated by the American Land Title Association (ALTA), a nationwide title...more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

Riparian Rights/Piers and Docks: Federal Court Addresses Ownership of Mississippi River Submerged Waterbed

Co-Author Jesse Long The United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin (“Court”) addressed in an August 22nd Opinion a riparian rights issue. See Clott et al., v. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2024 WL...more

Patton Sullivan Brodehl LLP

Court Rules Grower Cannot Use Access Easement for Cannabis Purposes Without Servient Landowner’s Consent

While many Californians consider the legality of cannabis to be settled law, the ongoing conflict between California and federal laws on the subject continue to give rise to unexpected outcomes when it comes to real property...more

Carlton Fields

Florida Appeals Court Decisions: Week of October 21-25, 2024

Carlton Fields on

U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals - Ga v. Shafer - elections, federal officer removal, pretrial habeas - Ga v. Clark -  elections, federal officer removal, special purpose grand jury, federal question - Gemini...more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

Riparian Rights/Easement: Illinois Court Addresses Access Issue

An Illinois United States District Court (“Court”) addressed in a September 30th Order issues involving interpretation of riparian rights and easements. The issues arose in the context of Tuggers Burger & Ale House...more

Cozen O'Connor

FinCEN Issues Final Regulation Requiring the Reporting of Certain Non-Financed, Residential Real Estate Transfers

Cozen O'Connor on

On August 28, 2024, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) of the U.S. Department of Treasury (Treasury) issued a final rule requiring real estate professionals involved in real estate closings and settlements to...more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

Agricultural Conservation Easements: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Announces Year 2025 Funding

The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (“NRCS”) issued a September news release announcing funding for the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (“ACEP”) for fiscal year 2025....more

Bennett Jones LLP

Not My Problem: The Maintenance of Easements

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When you grant an easement over your lands to another, who has the obligation to maintain the lands and the improvements on those lands? One might argue that it is the grantor of the easement—that the owner has the obligation...more

Nossaman LLP

Podcast: Unwritten Easements Part 1 – Implied Easements

Nossaman LLP on

In the latest episode of Digging Into Land Use Law, Karla MacCary and Elinor Eizdi explore the law of implied easements, which is a murky area of the law that was made more clear by a recent California Supreme Court case that...more

Womble Bond Dickinson

Navigating Property Nuisance Litigation: Lessons from Satcher v. Columbia County on Injunctive Relief and Damage Awards

Womble Bond Dickinson on

In litigation underlying Satcher v. Columbia County, 2024 WL 3802370 (Ga. Aug. 13, 2024), property owners sued the County related to damage caused by their privately-owned 48-inch pipe that had been used as part of the...more

Goldberg Segalla

Who Owns the Beach? A Waterfront Case in Maine Makes Waves

Goldberg Segalla on

As coastal erosion continues to shrink beaches, the sand that remains has become ever more valuable; and in Maine, a battle over the beach has reached the state’s highest court. In most coastal states, the intertidal land —...more


New Law HB 799: Easements Affecting Real Property Owned by the Same Owner

Lowndes on

Governor DeSantis signed HB 799 into law on June 27, 2024, impacting all developments subject to covenants or restrictions of any flavor, whether residential or commercial....more

Holland & Knight LLP

Tax Court: As to Listed Transaction, IRS Must Adhere to APA

Holland & Knight LLP on

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the IRS was confronted with a proliferation of corporate transactions that it viewed as aggressive tax shelters. Relying on the authority Congress delegated through Section 6011(a), the IRS...more

Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Solving the Easement Holdout Problem

As development picks up for the summer, Washington state property owners facing easement disputes will benefit from understanding the Uniform Easement Relocation Act (UERA), 64.65 RCW, which came into effect last year....more

Mitchell, Williams, Selig, Gates & Woodyard,...

Waterbody/Easement: South Carolina Appellate Court Addresses Dispute Over Control

The Court of Appeals of South Carolina (“Court”) addressed in a March 20th Opinion an issue involving easements granting access to or control over a body of water. See Carr Farms, Inc. and Titan Farms, LLC v. Watson, 2024 WL...more

Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC

Overview of Boundary Line Disputes

What do you do when you learn the old fence that you and your neighbor thought was the correct boundary turns out to be wrong … or when you discover your house or garage has been constructed on your neighbor’s property? Such...more

Ward and Smith, P.A.

Navigating Easement Disputes in North Carolina

Ward and Smith, P.A. on

An easement is a right to make some specific use of land owned by another. Because easements involve the easement owner using land owned by someone else and because it is human nature to value and protect property, it is...more

Husch Blackwell LLP

Bridging the Gap: Caution for Developers Looking to Use Public Rights of Way for Collection and Transmission Routing

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For one reason or another, not every parcel of land originally targeted for a renewable energy project is able to be included in a final site plan. Typically, developers try to secure private easements from contiguous...more

Morrison & Foerster LLP

Drax No Longer Stopped in Its Tracks: English Court of Appeal Gives Green Light to Breach of Warranty Claim

On 8 May 2024, the Court of Appeal in Drax Smart Generation Holdco Ltd v Scottish Power Retail Holdings Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 477 (“Drax”) handed down judgment overturning the decision of the High Court, finding that the...more

Rivkin Radler LLP

A Legal Update for the Title Insurance Industry

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Michael Heller’s, Matthew Spero’s and Lawrence Han’s Winter issue of the Title Reporter was published in the Real Estate Finance Journal. This article discusses the following court rulings and other title insurance-related...more

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