The Irish government has been supportive of the development of the financial services sector in Ireland and this extends to fintech. The government’s strategy for the development of Ireland’s international financial services...more
This chapter discusses and analyses the investment rules that apply to Solvency II insurers and reinsurers in the United Kingdom. In particular, this chapter will outline the “prudent person principle” and discuss the...more
Models that have historically been used by insurers to hedge risk were not designed to predict uncertain events such as natural disasters that may be exacerbated by climate change. This now leaves insurers overexposed to...more
There are useful takeaways for EU and non-EU firms arising from the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESA) latest thinking on greenwashing. In June 2023, the ESAs issued progress reports examining greenwashing risks and...more
UK Solvency II review: PRA CP11/21 on reporting (phase 1) The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has published a consultation paper, CP11/21, on phase 1 of a review of reporting and disclosure requirements under the...more