The SFCR and Other Public Reporting - Introduction - The Solvency II regime, as legislated in the Solvency II Directive and elaborated upon in Chapter XII of the EU Commission Level 2 Delegated Regulation (2015/35), is...more
1. The Supervision Regime - Proportionality - The supervision regime is built on the principle of “proportionality,” in an effort to ensure that supervision remains effective and meets its underlying purposes without...more
Undertakings in difficulty, in the context of Solvency II, refers to insurers that are either failing or likely to fail to meet their solvency capital requirement (SCR) or their minimum capital requirement (MCR) (together,...more
The Irish government has been supportive of the development of the financial services sector in Ireland and this extends to fintech. The government’s strategy for the development of Ireland’s international financial services...more
Solvency II is organised around three core pillars of prudential regulation, which ensure the safety and soundness of (re)insurers, in line with the scale, nature and complexity of their business: - Pillar One focuses on...more
This chapter discusses and analyses the investment rules that apply to Solvency II insurers and reinsurers in the United Kingdom. In particular, this chapter will outline the “prudent person principle” and discuss the...more
Models that have historically been used by insurers to hedge risk were not designed to predict uncertain events such as natural disasters that may be exacerbated by climate change. This now leaves insurers overexposed to...more
There are useful takeaways for EU and non-EU firms arising from the European Supervisory Authorities’ (ESA) latest thinking on greenwashing. In June 2023, the ESAs issued progress reports examining greenwashing risks and...more
Le bureau Parisien de Hogan Lovells a le plaisir de vous adresser sa lettre d'information mensuelle qui vous présente les Actualités législatives et réglementaires du mois de septembre 2022. Ces Actualités législatives et...more
The recent proposal for the revision of the Solvency II regime adopted by the European Commission anticipates interesting topics that will generate much debate in the future as they will define a new regulatory framework to...more
Solvency II review: PRA QIS material and related Dear CEO letter on data gathering The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has updated its Solvency II Review Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) webpage with the QIS materials,...more
COVID-19 BI insurance test case: FCA updates webpage The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has updated the webpage on its business interruption (BI) insurance test case. The FCA has published the Supreme Court order varying...more
UK Solvency II regime review: HM Treasury response to call for evidence HM Treasury has published a response to its October 2020 call for evidence on the review of the UK Solvency II prudential regime for insurers....more
In late November 2020, we published a high-level review of insurance regulatory developments relating to climate change, available here. In the six weeks since, regulators and industry participants on both sides of the...more
The Supervisory Statement released by the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) on Wednesday, 18 March is a timely reminder of the potential negative side effects of low or negative interest rates on...more
The final guidelines create new obligations for insurers that will impact cloud outsourcing arrangements. On 6 February 2020, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published its final...more
Financial services firms have spent a small fortune in planning for a post-Brexit world. Now that the UK has left the EU and we are in an implementation period due to end on 31 December 2020, this article looks at what forms...more
CAPITAL MARKETS - Please see Conduct for an update on the IOSCO report on conflicts of interests and risks during the debt capital raising process - FCA publish Primary Market Bulletin - On 17 December 2019, the FCA...more
BREXIT - Please see the Consumer/Retail section for an update on the FCA’s Quarterly Consultation Paper, which discusses Brexit-related changes to the Handbook & new EU binding technical standards (BTS) following the...more
BREXIT - EC outlines plans for sustainable finance and proposes extension to the temporary equivalence regime for UK CCPs post-Brexit - On 15 November, the EC published a speech by Mr Dombrovskis, European Commissioner...more
UPCOMING SEMINARS - Convergence, divergence and disturbance: What’s next for financial regulation in Europe? On 19 November, 8.30am to 9.30am, a panel of A&O’s European regulatory partners will discuss issues facing their...more
BREXIT - Brexit negotiations - On 17 October, the UK government and the EC reached an agreement on a revised Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland to the Withdrawal Agreement, and a revised political declaration on the...more
BREXIT - Preparing for Brexit in financial services: the state of play On 16 September, the Chief Executive of the FCA, Andrew Bailey, delivered a speech on the state of play of preparations for Brexit in the financial...more
BREXIT - Draft Over the Counter Derivatives, Central Counterparties and Trade Repositories (Amendment etc and Transitional Provision) (EU Exit) (No. 2) Regulations 2019 laid before Parliament On 25 July, the draft Over the...more
BREXIT - EEA Joint Committee Decisions - On 18 July, four Decisions of the EEA Joint Committee made on 29 March and five Decisions made on 11 April that amend Annex IX (Financial Services) to the EEA Agreement were...more