Energy Horizons: Disaccoppiamento del prezzo dell’energia da quello del gas: quali impatti sulle rinnovabili?
The Chilean Congress is currently considering a legislative proposal introduced by the Chilean Government aimed at subsidizing electricity costs for approximately 4.7 million households. The proposed bill introduces a...more
Mainers are generally regarded as an environmentally sensitive and enlightened populace. The state boasts cleaner water and air than many other states, significant and beautiful natural features, and progressive environmental...more
The 2020 Regular Session of the West Virginia Legislature recently passed the one-third mark and, as of this writing, the House has introduced 1155 bills, while the Senate introduced 656. We will continue reporting on and...more
Kibo provides update on four key projects - JSE- and Aim-listed Kibo Energy on Monday confirmed that it is developing four key projects – two thermal coal power projects, in Botswana and Mozambique; a UK-focused flexible...more
In advance of the Act for Partial Amendment of the Act on Special Measures Concerning Procurement of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources by Electricity Utilities (2016 Act No. 59) that was established on May 25, 2016...more
This Advisory briefly reports on some of the significant U.S. Supreme Court actions from January through June 2016 related to environmental and administrative law. ...more
The Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) recently released Report 151: Developing a Business Case for Renewable Energy at Airports (the Report). Foley partner David Bannard is a co-author of the Report, assisting lead...more