News & Analysis as of

Email Slack Electronically Stored Information


Navigating AI Success Metrics Series

Hanzo on

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the ability to accurately measure the success of AI applications is paramount. Whether you’re a business leveraging AI for managing legal and investigation...more

TransPerfect Legal

Chatting without Penalty: The Evolving Role of Instant Messaging in Legal Matters

TransPerfect Legal on

I. The Phenomenon of Instant Messaging- Evolution and Proliferation- From basic platforms like IRC and AIM to globally dominant apps such as WhatsApp and Telegram, instant messaging (IM) has witnessed a radical...more


eDiscovery and Forensic Investigations: Six Tips for Managing Company Messaging Protocols

StoneTurn on

The world of workforce communication looks vastly different from 2020, including an increased blur between personal and business communications due to remote work environments and access to instant messaging and...more


What is ESI? A Lawyer’s Guide to Digital Records Management

Reveal on

The International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates that by 2025, the world will have 175 zettabytes of digital data—which, if stored on DVDs, would create a stack tall enough to circle the earth 222 times. As organizations...more


What is SaaS Sprawl and How Does it Affect Enterprise Ediscovery?

Hanzo on

In ediscovery, most of the information collected during litigation involves email and other communication data (e.g. Slack and MS Teams). But the growing use of SaaS applications adds an additional element to the blanket term...more


Ten Tips to Help Organizations Adopt Slack for Greater Productivity

Hanzo on

Slack is revolutionizing how companies communicate internally, smoothing collaboration, speeding response times, and enhancing the organization and clarity of team conversations. But, as with any tool, it only works if you...more


How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Slack: A Conversion Story

Hanzo on

When I first came across the collaboration platform Slack at my former company, I was, to put it mildly, not a fan. But I’m glad to say I gave it a try, and now I am a convert to the power of collaboration applications. ...more


Think You Don’t Need to Preserve Slack Data for Discovery? Think Again

Hanzo on

Remember the story that the Verge broke a few years ago—aka December 2019—about Steph Korey, the Away CEO who stepped down after former employees claimed that she created a “toxic work culture” through Slack messages? Away,...more


Overcoming ediscovery and compliance challenges: How to Defensibly Collect and Preserve Enterprise Slack Data

Hanzo on

Slack is the new email - Slack has become a massively-important workplace collaboration tool that millions are using. We complained about email for years. Slack has answered that complaint and has successfully lured many...more

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