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Email Strategic Planning Client Services

Robson & Robson, P.C.

5 Tips For Writing Conflict Emails

Robson & Robson, P.C. on

Attorney Edward Robson shares five tips for writing conflict emails. He says you should keep your emails in context [02:00], write your email as if it will be seen by a judge or jury [04:15], refrain from admitting fault in...more

International Lawyers Network

Responsiveness: The Overlooked Key to Building Successful Client Relationships in the Digital Age

In today’s hyper-connected world, our devices keep us tethered to work even during off-hours. While taking breaks is crucial for well-being, being responsive remains a cornerstone of client and business relationships. Yet,...more


Last Minute Holiday Greetings for Law Firms

Omnizant on

The holidays are almost here—but there’s still time to share a message of good cheer with your audience! Here are some best practices—and some pre-written messages—in case your workshop is running a bit behind schedule this...more

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