News & Analysis as of

Employee Handbooks Non-Disclosure Agreement The National Labor Relations Act

Employee Handbooks are reference manuals for new and current employees on the policies and procedures of a particular employer. A comprehensive employee handbooks outlines expectations and obligations for both... more +
Employee Handbooks are reference manuals for new and current employees on the policies and procedures of a particular employer. A comprehensive employee handbooks outlines expectations and obligations for both employees and employers and is an important part of effective human resource management. A proper handbook contains detailed information on non-disclosure and conflict of interest obligations, work schedules, employee compensation and benefits, anti-discrimination policies, and codes of conduct to name a few. less -
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP

Looking Ahead: The Potential Impact of a New NLRB on the Hotel Industry

As hoteliers have experienced in the past, the outcome of a Presidential election, and the consequent change in the makeup of the National Labor Relations Board (“NLRB”), can have a significant impact on business operations....more

Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP

Labor law roundup

I hope this won't ruin your Labor Day weekend. The employer-unfriendly decisions from the National Labor Relations Board have been coming fast and furious. In honor of the holiday, here's a short recap. As you probably...more

Proskauer - Labor Relations Update

Busy Board Returns to Rule Permitting Workplace Confidentiality Restrictions during an Employer’s Investigation

As anticipated, in one of the last decisions before the end of Member McFerran’s term, the NLRB issued another important opinion. Reverting back to precedent that preceded a 2015 decision, the Board, in Apogee Retail LLC...more

Fisher Phillips

Web Exclusive December 2017: The Top 14 Labor And Employment Law Stories

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It’s hard to keep up with all the recent changes to labor and employment law. While the law always seems to evolve at a rapid pace, there were an unprecedented number of changes each month in 2017. December was no different,...more

Pierce Atwood LLP

NLRB Gets Busy – Part 2 NLRB Incursion Into Non-Unionized Workplace

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In January, we told you about recent activity by the National Labor Relations Board that overturned or departed from settled precedent. As promised, in Part 2 of this Alert series we summarize recent decisions where the...more

Epstein Becker & Green

Act Now Advisory: The NLRB Is Looking at Confidentiality, Non-Disclosure, and Non-Disparagement Provisions in Your Agreements

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Another decision has been issued by a National Labor Relations Board ("NLRB" or "Board") administrative law judge ("ALJ") striking down a non-union employer's confidentiality and proprietary information and non-disparagement...more

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