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Employer Responsibilities Compliance Gender-Based Pay Discrimination

Mayer Brown

Brazil: Spotlight Q&A With Aline Fidelis - The New Equal Pay Law

Mayer Brown on

Can you provide some background to the new equal pay law? The Law No. 14,611, also known as the Brazilian equal pay law, came into force on July 4, 2023. It is regulated by Decree No. 11,795, of 2023, and by the Brazilian...more

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,...

Canada’s Pay Equity Act to Take Effect on August 31, 2021: Key Considerations for Federal Employers

The Pay Equity Act, which Canada’s federal government passed in 2018, is going into effect on August 31, 2021. The act aims to address the systemic gender-based discrimination faced by women in federally regulated sectors by...more

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