News & Analysis as of

Employment Policies Collective Actions Class Action

Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP

Supreme Court unanimously rejects heightened burden for employer to prove overtime exemption under FLSA

In overtime litigation under the Fair Labor Standards Act, the employer has the burden of proving that an employee is exempt. However, the degree of proof required was not decided until the Supreme Court spoke last week....more

ArentFox Schiff

Class Action Year in Review: Labor & Employment - March 2024

ArentFox Schiff on

The use of arbitration agreements between employers and employees is a long-standing practice that has become an integral part of employment dispute resolution across the country. Employers often use arbitration agreements...more

Fisher Phillips

Could Barring Former Employees From Your Premises Lead To A Lawsuit?

Fisher Phillips on

Hospitality employers open to the general public should be aware of a recent decision by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with implications across the industry. In a 2-to-1 decision, the NLRB ruled that a hotel and...more

Bennett Jones LLP

Overtime Class Actions Gaining Traction in Canada: Is the Oil Patch Next?

Bennett Jones LLP on

On October 12, 2016, a former GoodLife personal trainer filed a class action lawsuit for $60 million in damages under Ontario's Class Proceeding Acts, 1992. The proposed class members include current and former non-managerial...more

Seyfarth Shaw LLP

Doing the “Two Step”: Court Grants Stage One Conditional Certification Of EPA Collective Action

Seyfarth Shaw LLP on

In a case we previously blogged about here where the Court refused to grant Plaintiffs’ request for equitable tolling on their claims under the Equal Pay Act (“EPA”), Magistrate Judge Michael Dolinger recently issued a...more

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