News & Analysis as of

Employment Policies Income Taxes

Rivkin Radler LLP

Employer to Nonresident Employee: “You Cannot Work in New York”; New York to Employee: “We Will Tax You Anyway”

Rivkin Radler LLP on

You are probably aware that many employers are discarding the fully flexible, remote work policies that were forced upon them – as “nonessential” businesses – during the COVID-19 pandemic[i] and which they retained as an...more

Fisher Phillips

Top 10 Workplace Law Developments To Expect Under President Trump

Fisher Phillips on

Now that we know Donald Trump will return to the White House as President, it’s time for employers to take a look at what they might expect during his second term in office. We have gathered insights from some of our firm’s...more

Laner Muchin, Ltd.

IRS Shows How Difficult It Can Be To Exclude Business Meals From Income

Laner Muchin, Ltd. on

The IRS recently issued a Technical Advice Memorandum (TAM) demonstrating the level of scrutiny that the IRS will apply in the case of the business meal exclusion....more

Nossaman LLP

Did You Know… The Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling Opening Federal Benefits To Same-Sex Couples Requires Employers To Update Employee...

Nossaman LLP on

The Supreme Court’s ruling that the Defense of Marriage Act’s definition of marriage as a legal union only between one man and one woman is unconstitutional requires employers to treat same-sex couples who are legally married...more

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